The young mother stood chained to the dungeon ceiling, if not for the anger and torment her face betrayed, she could have been thought to be beautiful with her shoulder-length black curls swiping at her face as she struggled. There in front of her, stood Xelles, and the voice of someone else. It was the cry of a baby girl.
Xelles held the little baby in front of the mother, tormenting her as she cut at the baby, slowly across the chest, over the arms and legs, across her cheek, every cut causing the baby to cry more, and more so than that, the helpless mother. She screamed and swore at Xelles, crying out in obscene loathing, begging her to take her daughters place and to let the child go, but Xelles would have none of that.
Within a quick movement, Xelles twisted the baby's head to the side with a snap and dug her fangs deep into the throat of the frail and fragile baby, the cries of the struggling mother only intensified her cravings as she gulped down the incredibly sweet metallic nectar of the infant.
Once she was done with the child, she dropped the baby to the ground with a thud, walking over to the mother who was begging Xelles to just take her life. To end her suffering. She toyed with the woman yet, kissing her on the lips so that the mother could taste the blood of her own child. The woman lay helplessly, through weeping tears, staring at her dead child on the ground at her feet.
"You vhould like I free you..?"
Xelles cooed softly, brushing the hair of the woman aside, revealing her long and slender neck. Leaning in, She tore her fangs into the woman's quickening pulse, the bitterness from the agony was a great change next to the child's.
Xelles drank and drank, only stopping before the heart did. Se tossed her head back in a maniacal laughter, licking the dripping blood from her stained lips.
A long time had passed since then and the sun would be rising soon. Xelles was in the library when she heard a soft whimper coming from the dungeon bellow. Curiosity took the better of her, as she lit a torch and walked back down to the dungeon. Opening the door, the lifeless body of the mother hung awkwardly on the shackled chains, but the whimpering was not coming from her.
Looking over to the corner of the room, She saw an unexpected sight. The little baby girl was sitting up and biting down into the body of a rat she had caught. It was squealing and twitching under her tight grip. She looked up at Xelles then with her big curious glowing red eyes. It was the first time in a long while that she felt anything towards anyone but in that moment, she realized that her 'life' would have been changed forever.