My Mother Calls Me ►(Laney)◄
Candles On My Cake ►(18 )◄
This here is How I Live.... ►(I was born into a happy family in San Mateo, California. My parents were always supportive of me when I had wacky ideas. It was hard for me to move out of my parents' home and to live with my friend but it's worked out I guess. I wanted to join this show to become more independent woman and to meet new people.) ◄
I Was Born this way! ►(Heterosexual)◄
What Is in my Pants? ►(Female)◄
I Am The ►(The Innocent Girl)◄
My Preferences ►(High Maintenance Individuals, "Smart People" with no morals, the "Shhhh" sound people make, and Arts&Crafts, Cartoons, Fatty foods)◄
At the End Of This Rope is ►(Coast of Maine)◄
I'm So Freaking Hot.