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My Legal Name Is: Naomi Theresa Boulanger I Go By: Nami Count the Candles: 16 Last Time I Checked: Female... A tad obvious, isn't it? I Lean More To: Is this a trick question? As A Kid: Naomi was raised in a wealthy home, and her parents had high standards for her. Because of that, she seemed to just want more & more to rebel. She was sent to the academy by her father. You know, to get her out of their hair. The Photo-Album: 
My Legal Name Is: Yuki Vincent Hiroiki Go By: Vincent, Vinny, Miny Vinny (Usually a rude nickname, though...) Count the Candles: 16 Last Time I Checked: Male (should I check again? O.O) I Lean More To: Bi- As A Kid: Yuki was born in japan. . He was adopted at a young age by an english family and never knew his real family. They re-named him Vincent. Only one person, his best friend Toshii, ever called him by his japanese given name. Toshii was killed in a car crash in their eigth grade year. As he grew up his adoptive mother and father critisized him for his interest in both girls and boys. Vincent himself didn't like it. He is a strong christan and wishes he could change. When he hit high school his father took up drinking. He rose a hand to Vinny, and after the fifth beating he decided he needed to leave. So he ran away to this Academy. He is a shy caring boy that would never raise his own hand back. The Photo-Album:
iTheresa · Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 11:18pm · 0 Comments |