First off, I believe this picture is hilarious.
Well, it's epic as well, but see, ....

There are two moments where they look like they have moustache! AHAHAHAHA ROFL OLOLOLOL Isn't that the funniest thing ever?!?? Hahaha! biggrin
OK, now that this thing is over, I wanna tell you guys some other stuff...
Brittany-chan (aka angelkittyhalo1993), we had an awesome talk on Friday. It was really the awesomest. The best.
You guys, you know, it was like a dream coming true. Not only did I have my first opportunity to speak with someone via Skype, in a foreign language (as English is not my "mothertongue", quoted from Rammstein which is by the way really cool, but not all their songs, I only like Ohne Dich, Rosenrot and Mutter. Oh, Ich Will, that is also good. Man, I can't combine different languages in one sentence! I wanted to write "Ich Will ist auch gut" but you wouldn't have understood it...), but I got to do it with a really fun, and kind person like Brittany-chan. I apologize if I was a bit too enthusiastic and I talked a lot, and I was kinda deaf at times as well, and I had to interrupt our talk sometimes because of telephone calls, but I really had a great time, and it would be awesome if we could talk with each other again like that, I just wonder when...
Next thing :: I realized I have a thing for soldiers.... Yeah, they really turn me on. Guess why my avatars lately are all about soldier-like stuff. And the reason why I sometimes go with something extremely-angelic is because I'm afraid that I go too-soldieric, and that wouldn't be good, I mean, people would think I'm a sadist. Which I am not. Not at all. I really hate seeing people suffering. Although I sometimes make them suffer... ._. Yeah I do... And sometimes I like causing pain as well... but you know, minor little pains... Is there such word like "pains"? You know, I thought it was uncountable... *shrugs* And I kinda like hearing when they wince... OMG something is definitely wrong with me.
Just on this topic, I'm the total opposite of masochist. Not in that I enjoy causing pain, but rather that I really hate pain. It's like the awfullest thing ever. I sometimes feel like brave, but that's it. I'm really sensitive when it comes to it.
If you wanna see something really cute, and you like Axis Powers Hetalia, look at this
And if you wanna see someone really hot, look for Flippy of Happy Tree Friends. WARNING. It's sometimes really bloody, and there are some gay pictures out there ._.
But there are some really sweet ones as well!!!!!
I just clicked on "My Car" I was so freaking afraid I lost everything!!!!
But luckily, fortunately, Thanks Lord, it's still here with me. For safety's sake (is there such an expression? Man, I was looking for the word expression for a week, and now it comes to my mind in like, what, 2 seconds? Damn!) I just copied it now.
So, there was an other picture, where it was like Flippy was on his knee and Flaky put a flower ...ring? crown? what's it called?! gonk on his head, and that was soooooooooooooooo adorable! If I find it soon, I gonna give it to ya guys ;P
Hah, found it biggrin Couldn't have slept well if I don't put this here now biggrin
OMG I have an order in my No Hats art shop~ So far I had 3 customers, and it's going well... I don't have much time to do it, now that I'll have to go to school...
and OMG history testpaper. Man, I hate history. If I'm gonna get a 4 (that means B mark) even though I spent my weekend on it, I'mma be real mad and never study for history again!
I hate how I f**k away time with it, and it's like, USELESS .-.
My new RP guild is going pretttty well~ I jut don't know how to advertise it any better. I mean, I made tons of affiliations, I put it up for Gaia Online Magazine advertisement (IT WAS FREE! YAY! I wonder why?), but I still haven't got any response on it.
I got a hacking password phishing PM whatever. I reported it and they got taken care of it.
I went to fishing this Friday. Right after my talk with Brittany. (well, a little later).
I was like "OMG it's been so long since I last went fishing! Let's meet some nice people and get a nice conversation going! Hm, first, let's try the Angelic Server, I'm sure no bad people gonna be there (yeah you can kinda expect what's gonna happen even at this point, but I was too naive...), oh, there's just a 3/6 room! Perfect!" I walk in, and I get yelled at. There's this b******d telling me to get the f**k out, hoe, and stuff like that. My heart started thumping like crazy and I gulped. I couldn't help gulping. Even though I wasn't really afraid. Not at all, I was surprised, in a bad way, shocked. It was awful. No matter how hard I tried to calm down, to feel like I'm the superior, the wiser here(I mean, she acted like an aggressive drunk man of his 50's) and tried to act like it as well, but I just couldn't get relaxed. I wrote something like "You guys are ugly" (because at that point I didn't realize it was only one person trashing me) and left. I wonder if I did add the "guys" word. I shoulda made a print screen, but I was too shocked. I quickly left. (One bucket thrown out the window)
I went to a new room and they asked what the b*****d's name was. I realized it was a good idea to report her. So I went back. Wrote a quick report about Troll/Abusing ( I guess, something like that was the most fitting option) and said she was really a jerk with me.
(Meanwhile she was arguing me and tellling me she didn'T care about how I reported her)
I still haven't got any response on the case.
I actually checked out her profile, since her avatar was so innocent (it really was.)
Her whole profile was innocent as well. There was one referring in a comment that she was angry about something - hell if I remember what it was...- but that was all.
I wonder if her account got hacked? But then her friend wouldn't be with her...I guess... this is getting complicated.
Well, anyways, her name is Hollowblade_is_a_BK. Or something like that.
I wonder if it is alright to put out her name here like this. I mean, this is set to public, anyone can read about her, and it gives her a bad reputation... I don't know what I should do...
I wonder if she's gonna realize anytime soon that I visited her profile - she can see it - and if she's gonna yell at my face for stalking her. I actually hope she is going to, because then I can report her again. I feel like Gaia isn't taking my case seriously. I could've gotten a heart attack there...!
OK, my fingers are in pain now, gottago, it's quarter past eleven... -.-"