Ethnicity: Gypsy
Wardrobe: Victorian top hat that is fashionably skewed and adorned with a few thin strait and beaded feathers. An ornate leather vest and a long sleeved white undershirt that laces chest to neck.
His hair is dark healthy and shiny. It curls around playfully and drops just four inches about the shoulders.
Sebastian is a avid collector of good luck charms. Such things can often be found accessories among his neck wrists or clothing.
He partakes in the odd, the haunting and the mysterious. It is common practice among his people to witness such events. The boons that befall them due to there traditions are unique to each member as are the burdens. This balance is there way and it has been his since his acceptance into there fold.
Sebastian was not born into the caravan but found on the road side. With him a pouch full of various coins from around the region. Seeing him as a gift and a burden they raised him. Despite the hardship and cruelty the caravan faces in there travels they have a very accepting nature. Which can be quite a shock to many for the gypsies are notoriously distrusting. Many would advise to keep a fair distance from them. Yet this caravan and many like them are quite capable of etching out a place in the world for themselves. None would insist on living life as they do.
For what ever reason a great shift encroached upon the lives of his people. His people one by one had been inflicted by a horrific disease. First the children complained about there limbs growing heavy. They moved sluggish and slept much more often. The adults assumed the children had toying with a few mischievous spirits. They expected the issue to pass. This was not the case. Soon paralysis set in and there skin grew course and pale. The adults started feeling the symptoms as well but far more rapid was there progression. With in a matter of days the entire clan had become completely cast in place as though they had been made of stone. Everyone that is except Sebastian.
He paced around the campsite tracing his steps over the week, the month, the year. He worried if he had crossed someone or invoked something to have caused this tragedy. Racked with sadness, fear and isolation he set out to investigate. Hoping to solve the puzzle that had left him homeless and alone.
Hat style

Facial hair and dark hair. Yet not long enough hair.

Facial hair and longer hair.

Vest back

Vest front

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