Nikita Novikov


__I was born in a place I can barely remember, a place of isolation and weather of white. My mother and father had a warmth in their hearts, taking care for me generously until I turned 16, where I agreed to take up studies into modern Tokyo, Japan. I became thirsty for their culture, but still held tightly to my own. Eventually though, I learned to speak Japanese, as well as English and other languages of the world, and left my homelands deep in memory, thinking more for the world than just an individual country.
__Along with studying language and culture, I became involved in project G.U.N.D.A.M., feeling that I had become one with the country, and that I held responsibility in protecting it, hoping to help create a single community of humans within the world as one nation.
__Many people realized I was Russian, and began distrusting me, for petty reasons. There were many other families working on the G.U.N.D.A.M. that were foreign. I still seem to strike fear into some native Japanese, despite my peace within our country.
__On a strange day, my brown hair roots suddenly turned into a flaming red, giving me the unnatural hair color to my country. My eyes however, have always been silver. I also gained a strange mark over my shoulders, before all sorts of memories flooded into me, telling me I was a constellation sign, the Aries. I gained mysterious powers shortly after, immense knowledge, a will to drive things. I realized there were others like me within the organization, some becoming my friend immediately, others, turned enemy.
__Currently, I live on my own, housing very near G.U.N.D.A.M., still carrying out classes and meeting at the same time, while trying to relieve this strange instinct within me.
Where do you hail from?
__Shasqua, dagger.
__Ice manipulation
____Low damaging, can be used on command. Creates ice solidly, can create snow, icicles, coat things in ice, etc.
__Fire manipulation
____High damaging, but uncontrollable. The more I use it, the steadier I can control it. The weaker I am, the stronger the fire.
__Iron shaping
____Can bend iron around easily, but can not manipulate or control it.
____Can sprout Geraniums from anywhere, anything.
__Talented in ice sculpting. Can't sing, can't cook. But I can lead.
Things that calm you down?
__Soft voices, warmth. A cozy place, out of the cold.
Things that piss you off?
__The cold, sluggish things, indirect actions/words. Cold water.
If you had a theme song, what would it be?
__Солнце скрылось за горою / The Sun Had Hidden Behind The Mountain