Demon Lord
------Crescentia Yeager----- |||My body is my weapon|||

-----General Information----- Name: Crescentia Yeager {Crescent} Gender: Male Age: App. 24/ Act. Unknown Species: Werewolf Faction: Corp Sexuality: Bi Height: 6'4" Weight: 239lbs Personality:As rough as sandpaper. Crescentia is a grumpy werewolf at the best of times and it only gets worse when its the full moon. While he's grumpy, he's also very smart and capable as a leader...even if he doesn't want to be. His language is worse than a drunken sailor and he enjoys playing around more than having working.
------Appearance Information------ Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green/Yellow Body Build: Broad shoulders, intensely muscled Facial Features: Sharp cheek bones and nose Scars/Markings/Tattoos: Has three tails in wolf form rather than one.
------Weapon/Fighting Information------ Equipment location: Back/ankles/waist Weapon: 3in knife/Double sided 2in knife/ 7inch knife Fighting Style: Knife fighter/Physical Battle Strength: Close quarters Battle Weakness: Distance fighting, thinking things through Ability: Shape shifting(wolf) at will 2 Stages 1st Stage- Full wolf form with three tails: -During this stage A crescent shaped marking rests on his forehead and white streams arch back over his shoulders. Crescentia is able to bend the light in darkness. Moonlight is his preferred light usage though he can drag any light to do his bidding. He uses it as walkways that can take him from one spot to another. He can use the light to do almost anything so long as there are shadows around to off set the light. This is useless in the day time. Hence, he carries knives. 2nd Stage- Man wolf hybrid -As a hybrid he has immense strength, almost triple what he would usually have. His speed is also intensified making it nearly impossible for human and some demon eyes to watch his movements. In this form, silver won't kill him. It will wound him and make him sick but he can survive so long as he removes the silver before returning to his natural shape.
------Background Information------ Hobbies: Collecting buttons Likes: chocolate cake, whiskey Dislikes: vampires, humans Hates: stupid people Greatest Weakness: Silver Greatest Strength: His ability to shape shift at will Other information: Crescentia has the ability to summon only his ears and his tail at will. He doesn't have to change his entire appearance unless it is the full moon. - In his wolf form, he stands well over 5'5" at the shoulders and is one of the larger white wolves in existence.
Cresecentia was born a werewolf and was only a week old when his parents were killed by humans who fancied themselves hunters. He survived on his own for years, living in only his wolf form until he was caught by a fellow werewolf. His adoptive father was a great black wolf and taught him how to survive as a human. Crescent murdered his father in his sleep once the other werewolf became to old to move about on his own. He took his father's pelt and wears it whenever possible to remain close to the old wolf.
astrasinthewild · Thu Feb 03, 2011 @ 03:20am · 0 Comments |