~~~~~~~~~The Profile~~~~~~~~~
Full Name: Hokona Mayu Nicknames: Age: 23 Gender: Male Birthdate: 1/29 Rank: SS Division: 1 Seat: Captain Element: Water Riatsu Color: Blue/Purple Race: Shinigami
Quick List: Quirky Pleasant Grumpy Bubbly Professional Carefree
Hokona is as professional as he is erratic in his ways. He can be a happy, polite young man one minute and turn into a raging, violent warrior the next. His moods are often affected by the people around him or the weather. Rainy makes him grumpy and jumpy while sunny weather can make him bubbly and willing to play dozens of rounds of Go with anyone who comes. When he plays Go or is in battle, his mind is completely focused but he enjoys banter while he fights. If an enemy doesn't banter with him, he tends to mock them or start chatting about different subjects that interest him. One person told him that he could bore his opponent to death if he choose. When it comes to his squad mates and friends, Hokona is surprisingly...girly. He's a softy with them and tends to act like a sloth.
Weaknesses: Weak constitution (gets sick easily) Impatience (acts irrational at times) Emotional
Strengths: Intelligent Compassionate Flexible Hard Working
Secrets: (optional) Obsessed with numbers Likes small fluffy objects Doesn't know how to read (can read basic letters but not long books and such)
Fears: (list at least three) Being trapped in a room full of books (AKA a library) Living without pie (both the number and the food) Finding the love of his life
Motto: If everyone were sane, we'd all be dead. Because who would want to live in a world full of sanity?
 BUILD His body is slender but moves easily and hides an iron frame that can easily lift double his own body weight. He's small in stature standing only 5'5 and with 116lbs he has no body fat to speak of. The most noticeable of his features are his almost constantly moving fingers, slim and pale.
HAIR His hair is a shocking white but it's hinted with enough purple that at certain angles, it appears a vibrant lilac. When it's wet, it falls to just below his shoulders but dry it sticks up everywhere. He cuts it himself so its always different lengths.
FACE His face is slight with thin, high cheek bones that accent his almost snake like eyes. His lips are slender and his smile curves up towards his eyes when he smiles. His entire face is symmetrical. Eyes are equal distant from each other, nose is centered on his face, lips are below his nose and perfectly shaped. His chin is sharp but goes well with his cheekbones and his forehead is smooth but not wide nor overly small.
SKIN His skin is pale, almost white but not quite there yet. He has a small birthmark under his eye that dips down in three points. Other than that, his skin is flawless with no scars or blemishes(and he intends to keep it that way).
EYES His eyes switch from blue to purple depending on his mood and their shape is unique. They start wide and become almost slits near the ends
CLOTHES Enjoys wandering about his squad in a long sleeved white shirt and white pants, often barefoot. When he has to, he wears the white under robes of his shihakusho. He doesn't like to wear his formal robes but does when he leaves for the Human World (which isn't often)
Current Residence: Squad 1 Occupation: Captain Commander
Base Stats Strength: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Technique: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Intelligence: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Defense: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Agility: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Stamina: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Reiatsu: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Bankai Strength: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Technique: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Intelligence: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Defense: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Agility: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Stamina: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Reiatsu: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Perfect Bankai Strength: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Technique: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Intelligence: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Defense: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Agility: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Stamina: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Reiatsu: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
SS-rank Techniques (Have to be S-rank at least to have one)
S-rank Techniques
A-rank Techniques
B-rank Techniques
C-rank Techniques
D-rank Techniques
E-rank Techniques

~~~~~~~~~Racial Powers~~~~~~~~~ Zanpakutou Zanpakutou Description A gold and black sheath hides a blade with razors near the hilt but smooths down to a slender point.
Shikai Name: Rokuro (Sixth Son) Shikai Release Phrase: ‘Sing, sweet Rokuro’ Shikai Physical Description: 6 irises rise around Hokona and swirl in a circular pattern as he moves. His sword takes on the appearance of an iris with a long slender blade. Shikai Abilities: Hokona’s blade can release a poison every time it strikes skin that will weaken an opponent’s ability to think logically. The poison takes instant effect the moment the blade breaks the skin and it increases with every hit. It doesn’t make them ill but instead of ‘he’s attacking on the right’ the opponent will think and react to ‘he’s attacking left’. With every strike the poison grows stronger until he will go from ‘he’s in front of me’ to ‘he’s dead’ when in fact Hokona will actually be striking a killing blow. Depending on the opponent the effects are similiar to these: 1st Hit- Will start the effect making the opponent slightly dizzy and signal an issue 2nd Hit- Opponent will see a noticeable differnce in their performance and may have trouble remaining in one postion. 3rd Hit- Sound will be effected now and what may be a low buzz of a fly will sound like a train rumbling over their head. The effects on smell will start to show at this point as well. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th hits will increase the effects until the opponent is barely able to function resulting in the last hit being the defeating blow. The poison affects the senses sight, sound and smell as well. The irises give off a sickly sweet smell that covers everything and serves as another distraction. For every time the poison is released, an iris will wilt until they are all black and dead. At that time, the poison will strike the brain directly and the opponent will lose consciousness. Depending on how many hits the opponent takes, the poison can wear off within hours leading up to a month. This can be shortened if they get medical treatment. Hokona’s Shikai does not kill.
Bankai Name: Nanami (Seventh Seas) Bankai Release Phrase: May the water lily flood. Surge, Nanami Bankai Physical Description: 7 lilies seem to float at a random order around him. His blade becomes 28 separate petals of varying blues and purples. Each petal is over 3 feet long and 2 feet wide and rest in a basket that is strapped around his shoulders and hangs at his side. Bankai Abilities: Hokona’s bankai affects his mood and makes him seem lazy but it actually heightens his senses of hearing and sound. He uses the petals like shields or fans, blocking attacks and fighting like with a sword. But the petals have different abilities depending on their colors. Blue: Accepts and returns attacks in varying forms. Purple: Absorbs reiatsu and disperses it in the form of a mist that is used as a cover when Hokona feels the need to move Light Blue: Can cause a slight distortion in vision when Hokona spins it (IE you see blue then you see electric yellow!) Light Purple: Creates a smell that can lull a dim witted opponent to sleep. A smart opponent will feel a lack of will to fight but can overcome that feeling. Dark Blue: Shatters into thousands of smaller petals that Hokona eats and it replenishes some of his stamina. Dark Purple: Forms a liquid that sticks to everything. Causes severe issues with moving if you step into it.
Perfect Bankai Name: Yachi (Eight Thousand) Perfect Bankai Release Phrase: May the flowers rest your fall. Breathe, Yachi. Perfect Bankai Physical Description: 8 orchids form one massive flower that Hokona stands on. He carries a slender sword made of metal orchids, lilies and irises that signify the culmination of his shikai and bankai. Perfect Bankai Abilities: Hokona’s perfect bankai is the only part of his zanpakuto’s attacks that kills. The flowers secrete a poison that is ten times more lethal than his shikai’s and it has a unique property. When the poison hits the blood stream, one strike is all it takes, it turns the blood black and slows the enemies reactions. While it takes up to 5 hits for the blood to turn totally black, Hokona is given and advantage here. Once the poison has worked its way through the entire system, Hokona can use his perfect bankai to rip the blood out of his enemy’s body. If Hokona is dealing with a large crowd of enemies, perhaps in an ambush, he can cut his palm and mix his blood with the poison. This turns the poison into a gas that can effect everyone within 12miles of Hokona. The effects of the gas are different since it isn't as concentrated. In the case of the gas, it makes one extremely ill, unable to move correctly and can cause intense abdominal pain if exposed to it for too long(Exposure is an extent of 3 posts in its presence). This allows Hokona to get in close and deliver the killing blows. It is called Yachi or Eight thousand because that is the amount of people it is limited to when its gaseous state is released. Hokona’s Perfect Bankai does kill.
Zanpakutou Spirit Spirit's Name Yoshiko (Good Child) Spirit's Physical Description A small ram that is covered in soft white flowers instead of fur. It has a long slender tail that ends in a flower as well and his horns are dark brown. Spirit's Personality Shy. Yoshiko is a terribly shy spirit and doesn't like to hurt people. It prefers to simply...lull them to sleep or change their reasoning about fighting. Spirit's World The world is covered in light flowers of varying sizes and shapes. There is no sun here but a great silver disk that spins and sends out flashes of light to illuminate the world. When Yoshiko is in perfect bankai, the flowers die, the disk stops and the whole world is drenched in a black mist.
Notables Anything Else Worth Mentioning
astrasinthewild · Sat Jan 29, 2011 @ 10:51pm · 0 Comments |