"You're so stupid Brad," Jeremy said, "This doesn't really happen." He kept on talking.
"The path in the woods seemed dark and Andy fumbled to get his flashlight. The only thing that he could see with the light on was a giant creature, flattened ears, red eyes, very tall and muscular, it had sharp teeth that looked like knifes and the animal swiped Andy with his claws. Andy flew back into a tree, making his back crack. He moaned in pain, and the beast hurled itself toward Andy, when it took a step the whole ground shook, Andy slumped down onto the dirt, awaiting his death, the monster-"
"STOP! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" Bradley shouted. Jeremy stopped talking and rolled his eyes,
" I heard on the news, that a boy named Andy got killed in the woods last night..." Brad said. Jeremy ginned and the razor sharp teeth emerged from his mouth as his eyes turned a blood red...
hi im robyn
25 ♓︎

write something fun
25 ♓︎

write something fun