Shryke Wings of Hindrence RP
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."
 **Gender male
**Age 67
**Race Dragon
**Personality Shryke is a small, wiry, feral type drake who doesn't take well to jest. In that sense he has practically no sense of humor, and he doesn't believe in talking for the sake of talking. Shyke despises being seen as weak or at a disadvantage, and doesn't mind snapping at others who get 'too close for comfort'. All in all Shryke isn't a very likable fellow, and it takes a special type of dragon to be able to enjoy his presence.
-Change -to much chatter -rash behavior **History Shryke was hatched in a clutch of four, Little Vicious and the gray being his parents. He was the smallest of the clutch, and the most awkwardly proportioned, as he still is. However, from birth he was extremely willful, and that got him minto trouble. He grew under the guidance of his mother, until he could all but live on his own if he had to.
**Appearance Shryke comes in at a smallish 30 feet in length, and, though he isn't full-grown yet, he is pretty darn close to being his full size. His wings are still awkwardly large from his small frame, and even if he is awkward on the land, he is extremely agile and adept in the air.He has two sharp horns jutting back from his temples, silver in color, and a crest of dark green and silver feathers cascading down his back to become a line of iguana like spines. He has a dark green body and silver lateral stripes running along the length of his frame. His silver eyes are large and birdlike, made ever more so by his beak-like snout. His wings have thin silver membranes that seem invisible in direct sunlight. A handsome dragon, to be sure.
**Abilities Shryke really hasn't come into his abilities, but he can breathe fire on some occasions, and his fire is a glimmering silver in color. Other than that, he doesn't really know what he can do. Even then, he strongly prefers to use his claws and fangs to do his fighting and hunting.
**Other Nothing
Kiowa Wings of Hindrence RP
"On a windswept hill by a billowing sea, my destiny sits and waits for me. "
 **Gender Female
**Age 475
**Race Dragon
**Personality Kiowa has not known much in the way of how to communicate with others of her kind, due to her upbringing and long life of isolation. It's not that she detests company, it's simply that she doesn't know how to handle it. Not to mention that she has a tendency to take offense and be hurt by things rather easily, though she covers it up with aggression and annoyance. She is a curious and playful individual, and she tries not to let others see her more childish side due to her 'reputation'
-sand -heat -food -gold and other precious items **Dislikes
-cold -awkward silences -nosy questions -people stealing her food -humans **History Kiowa's parents raised her in her first year of life, but then left her on her own in the middle of nowhere, as was her dragon clan's way. Learning from life made a strong dragon, they had preached. And so, she began her solitary trek into her prime and her fate. She found a home in a mountainous desert region, calling a cave her home, and she lived well, though food be scarce from time to time. She collected her hoard of trinkets, as most dragons do, and was happy, never bothering to take a mate. At century lapsed into century, humans further encroached on her home, and eventually they found her, and drove her away. She found another home by the edge of a briney sea, and managed until the humans there discovered her existence. They, however, decided to, instead of outright attacking her, cave her in. And so they did, with a vast amount of gunpowder and human magics. Barely managing to free herself, Kiowa fled, deciding to find the dragon islands she had heard about, across that briney sea...
**Appearence Kiowa is a lithe dragon with the air of some sort of desert spirit about her. She is about 84' in length from nose to tail tip, with long, limber legs and a wide wingspan of 170'. She stands at a respectable 16' tall from claw to crown. Her unique coloring is akin to the colors one might find commonly in some native desert tribe; a desert gold, lighter around her stomach, a more dun on the top along her dorsal, with pale, sky blue stripes that fade to black legs and a thick black striped tail. She has a unique kind of long, thin spine that goes all the way down her back, with the feeling of feathers, giving her an avian look. She has two 3 pronged, antler type horns and large blue eyes. Her wings share the same pattern as her body. Her scales are unusually smooth, feeling much like skin, in order to preserve water and promote coolness in her body to combat the desert heat.
**Abillities Kiowa has the smell of sulfur about her, and can breathe the hottest of fires, the whitish blue, that can burn flesh into a cinder in a matter of seconds. Additionally, she can drew up blazing hot whirlwinds in her wings and, coupled with sand, conjure a nasty sandstorm.
**Other None
Aribis · Fri Jan 28, 2011 @ 11:51pm · 0 Comments |