That's right!
Win a prize!
You do lovelove Shikoku, rightrightyesyes?
Well! Today, Shikoku is giving you~
A chance to winwin a prize!
Yesyes! From Shikoku's very own Kyushuhands~!
How do you winwin the prize?
Well! This is a fine question! And from it stems a simple answer!
What is this finefine work of prize? Well! A DRAWING! YESYES, A DRAWING! :3
What do youyou do? Simpleple! Just drawdraw a picturere, take a picturere of the drawinging, savesave it, then sendsend me a PM of itit! SIMPLEPLE!
- Kyushupoints will be awared to creativity, awesomeness, epictry and lawlz.
- Shikoku doesn't care too much about neatness. So! If you lack a tablet like Shikoku, it's OKOK~! biggrin
- Also, any NSFW content will be banned entirely. Childrenchildren on Gaia, guize. neutral
You have until Monday, Feburary 14th to submit your entry. YESYES! VALENTINETINE'S DAYDAY!
All entries may or may not be publicly displayed in Shikoku's Life Tip of the Day entry on this date. biggrin
Note: You may submit moremore than oneone entry for betterbetter chances of winwin~!
The winner will receive an DRAWING of a random thingthing or their Gaian! Of choice. :3
-Any questions? Feel a freefree to PM Shikoku~ biggrin
-Also, the dentaltaltal was a horrid, thanks. Kyushugums do a bleedbleed. :C
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Be sure to keep up on my Life Tips of the Day!
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I'm Bitchy Amaya
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
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