Name: Jacob Gracia
Name:Joesph Gracia
Age: 20
Age: 20
Sexuality: Gay
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: outgoing, loud, caring, knucklehead
Personality: shy, logicial, smart, cocky
Jacob is a thrid oldest along with his twin brother Joseph. Jacob is loud and tends to do things with out think getting him into trouble more then half the time. But he has a good heart and doesnt like to see anyone hurt. He looks up to his older brother Matthew.Joseph is Jacob's twin brother. Unlike his twin, he is logicial with everything he does but he is cocky which gets him into a few fights here and there. He is shy but he is smart. He looks up to Matthew, his older brother.
Jacob is a thrid oldest along with his twin brother Joseph. Jacob is loud and tends to do things with out think getting him into trouble more then half the time. But he has a good heart and doesnt like to see anyone hurt. He looks up to his older brother Matthew.Joseph is Jacob's twin brother. Unlike his twin, he is logicial with everything he does but he is cocky which gets him into a few fights here and there. He is shy but he is smart. He looks up to Matthew, his older brother.