Darkness loves Company
Due to a sudden spike in crime in the area, the King of the Street tournament has been postponed. Stone decides to go for a walk around, Kreagal, the city where he lived. He walked by a young woman, about his age. She was moving in about a block away from him. Normally he wouldn't care, but there was something strange that kept luring him back. He has never felt like this around a woman before, for as long as he remembers he has never felt any emotions or feelings of any kind. He went home, he did not ask for her name or even talk to here he just went home. That night he dreamed of this girl, but it was no pleasant dream, it was more of a nightmare. The nightmare revealed that him, the new woman, and a strange and mysterious man, were on some elevated area looking down at his city completely destroyed. The only people alive is him and the other two with him. He wakes up in a cold sweat, "That girl," he says to himself, "who is that girl?" He looks at his little brother, "Why wasn't he there?" The next day all he could think about was that woman and the dream he had. He ran into the woman on the sidewalk "Why hello there, said the young woman, "what's your name?" Dark looks down and says to her "Um... My name is D, I'm mostly known as Stone." "No its not," she says as she pulls out a picture of what apeared to be two different families, one with the girl on it and the other with him as a child on it and it seems to have a side ripped off. Next to him was a name, Derrel Walker the Prince of the City. "Who are you?"
To be continued...
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Join Derrel, Terri, and Daneil as they fight for Earth against the millionaire Christopher Paine. Enjoy Later.
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