Name: Nekai Mizushima
Age: 16
Year: 2
Birth date: March 21st, 1994
The story of my life: I was born somewhere in the mountains of Japan, to a kyuubi male and female. Among my brothers and sisters, myself and one other were the only ones to gain a humanoid appearance over our siblings. when I was very small, my parents thought it would be best to put me in with the human children, my father teaching me how to cover my inhuman appearances and traits, auras. They handed me off to a trusted friend, the school's sensei, to raise me like a human should be raised, by a human guardian, though I still retained and practiced my magical abilities. Sensei knew I was different, a kitsune. Later on, he granted me my partner Kannon, a similar kitsune who can not speak. He became my aid and best friend, a true treasure. Currently I live within the high school, dorm eight, my favorite number.
Classes are: Math, English, Art, Combat.
People would say I am: Shy, thoughtful, protective, manipulative.
I can fight with: A katana, wakizashi and other smaller swords. Magically, I can manipulate water as well as dark energy called Youki.
My partners are: A Kitsune named Kannon
Friends, lovers, a gentle voice, water, rain, cool breezes can calm me down.
Enemies, being too close to someone, vulnerability, heat, hot days can piss me off.
Dorm Number: 8
AkaruiRain controls me.

Name: Kannon.
Age: 16
Birth date: March 21st, 1994
The story of my life: He was handed off as Kai's partner when he was about ten years old, by his own Sensei, who'd raised him since he was very little. He was confided that Nekai was his twin sister by Sensei, and protects her with his life, though Kai doesn't know. Since he cannot speak, he cannot say anything to her, or communicate as well as someone who can talk could, but often they think the same things, as brother and sister. Kannon feels when Kai in need of him through this mind-connection, appearing when he gets this feeling. He is less-humanoid in form than she, for no apparent reason really, though it doesn't seem to bother him. He grows quickly, wearing a large, loose yukata over his furred skin to accompany his constantly growing body, which rates to about ten lbs and an inch in height per week.
People would say: He is relatively quiet, popular with the foxes. Sometimes has fits of outrage when he's frustrated.. Quick-thinker, sharp-minded, mostly calm/cool/collected.
I can fight with: Magic: fire manipulation, dark energy manipulation. Carries a wakizashi, though doesn't resort to using it until he feels he needs to.
Nekai, warmth, something like a hug or kiss, a finger pressed to my nose can calm me down.
Being alone, misunderstood, unable to communicate, being helpless can piss me off.
Dorm Number: 8, with Kai
AkaruiRain controls me.