Grim lowered his sythe, in front of him lay two souls; one girl, with long brown hair flowing down to her waist; and a man wearing a blue police officer's uniform, his own long brown hair tied into a ponytail with a dark navy blue ribbon.
Without a word, Grim, the Lord of death..walked away, a cold wind blew past his black cloak, it wisped around his ankeles as he went off into the darkness.
Tak looked over to Chrono his watch glittering like a tiney sun in his pale hand.
"Hmm, predictable .." He said in a low, calm voice.
Chrono nodded his chalk white head slowly, " Yes, quite predictable indeed...Grim is such a soft hearted reaper..t'was those brats that did it to him.." He chuckled darkly, a smug sneer crept along his face. " Poor Grim ..being enslaved by meer children..haha, what a fitting -" He stopped his sentence short, for Jack was waltzing over to the two souls that still lay before them all.
" Damn.....suicidalists..these guys sure are lucky....They would have faced an eternity of Hell or worse..." Jack looked up and fixed his gaze upon a cliff that overlooked the center of the LOTS. Standing stone still in a shadowy haze was a figure engulfed in mist, his empty eyes staring upon the two below him.
"Hmph.." Jack turned his gaze away from the stranger and back towards the Council of Ever After. "'s it hangin' guys??" He grinned, extending his skeleton hand out the them. "Thanks for helping out Grimmy! HEH! He really needed it..and-"Without a word in return, they left Jack standing there, their faces emotionless as they walked away from Jack.
As Jack scowled at the Council, the detectives came running over to him. " HEY! Jack! Who were those guys?!" Yusuke's face was beaded with sweat, appearenly he and Kuwabara had raced their way over to him in some stupid contest of ..stupidness. " Ehh... don't worry about them, they're just a bunch of lunkheads.."
"HEY! Jack, to know, that other girl that was here?" Kuwabara panted as he wiped his brow of sweat. " Where ..did she go??"
Jack scratched at his skull.."Hmm..hadn't thought about it..." He was smiling, as if he had INDEED thought of it, he just didn't want to reveil his tremendous secret knowledge...or thats how it SEEMED anyways....
Hiei and Kurama followed after Kuwabara, when they reached Jack and the others, the sky began to turn a violent shade of black.
"HOLY SPIT!" Letting out a spray of ..well, spit, as he yelped outloud, Kuwabara looked over at Jack. " Wh-WHAT'S going on-the sky..its all black and and-"
"Its time to hit the hay!" Jack said laughing with a smile. " What color does YOUR sky turn at night..?? GREEN" Laughing like a mull with a megaphone taped to his mouth, Jack braed on and on, laughing like crazy at his own joke. " Ahhh its great being! You know what I mean.." Jack laughed again, but this time he was more calm about it. Looking up at the sky, Jack let out a tired sigh. "C'mon," waving his hand at the detectives. " follow me, you can sleep with my clan tonight. "
As the others followed Jack, Hiei on the other hand, walked off in a diffrent direction. He was not at all intrested in going anywhere with that weirdo skeleton.
It was seemed as if the whole world had been smothered out like a candle in the middle of the night, the darkness seemed endless.
"Hn.." His crimson eyes scanned the darkness that surrounded him, then, suddenly he saw her...the girl whom they saw earlier, she sat there underneath that willow tree, the swing next to her moving slightly in the wind that blew softly around the sky. Hiei went to turn away..when out of the corner of his eye he saw a red tears fall from her hazy bue eyes, they fell quietly ...she didn't make sound...not one sound at all, she just looked off into the black nothingness all alone. Hiei stood there watching her, the feeling he had felt before was even stronger within him was like a hot flame had been placed inside his stomache. He watched her silently, the wind blew his black hair into his crimson eyes...
- In the domain of the Shadow Clan-
" Rejoice my brethern! We welcome a new member into our midsts!" A small boy with dark red hair set like a flame upon his pale head, said smiling, his face bright red from the drinks they had been literally inhaling.
In the middle of a small crowd of darkley dressed strangers sat the girl in the warriors clothing, she looked off at them all with unintrested eyes. "...... boring.." she said underneath her breath. " this is seems like nothing..I just can't seem to think of why. " She rested her head in her hands, her purple eyes seethed with confusion.
A mind once full of thoughts forgets it all when dead. Even if this mind was full of poetry and beauty...brimming with would all blink out like a light in the darkness...nothing remaining......
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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