Oh yea so I'm getting tired of breaking up my lines, so I'm just gonna do little paragraph things =P
So what did you get for Christmas, or whatever holiday it is you celebrate?
Here's what I got: =D
Guitar Hero 5
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
It has to be returned tho, cuz my mom got it for the 360 & all the GH games we have are for the Wii >.<
Epic Mickey (Wii)
Sonic Colors (DS)
A Jack Skellington poster

The Nightmare Before Christmas (movie)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack)
A panda Pillow Pet xD

A Snuggie x)
Sorry, I don't have a pic for this one lol x) But it's the one with skulls on it >;D
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band
It's not that great of a movie >.<
Untamed, Hunted, Tempted, & The Fledgling Handbook 101 by PC & Kristen Cast
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephanie Meyer
It's supposed to be about the newborn vampire in Eclipse that the Cullens were gonna save, but the Voltori decided to be butt heads & kill her =/
A new coat! =D

It looks thin, but it's SUPER warm =D
Oh & the one with the black coat is Kim x)
Ok now it's time for the CD's x)
Secondhand Serenade's A Twist in my Story
The Very Best of Aerosmith: Devil's Got a New Disguise
Creed's Human Clay
Hinder's All American Nightmare
Paramore's Brand New Eyes
Godsmack's The Oracle
Hollywood Undead's Swan Songs
& The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack, but I already mentioned that x)
I think that's pretty much it...I got some other stuff, but they're little things & I don't feel like typing them all up lol x)
So I got to go over Daniel's on Christmas Eve =D It was pretty fun =) Daniel's family came over, & we all chilled & ate foooood & opened presents. =)
They do this Secret Santa thing, & Daniel's Secret Santa was his cousin Ashley...she got him a new fedora (he's obsessed with those things...) & a knife....I looked @ Ashely, & was like
"What were you thinking? Do you wanna kill us all or something?"
Lol if you knew Daniel, you'd understand x)
So me & Daniel got each other presents. =) I got him a new skateboard deck:

One time we had gone to the mall, & he was looking @ this deck, so I figured I'd get it x) There was another one he was looking @ & he was saying he really wanted it, but when I went back there to get it, the guy said he already sold it >.<
Anywayz, Daniel got me a stuffed animal, & he got two candy canes & tapped them in the shape of a heart ^_^ It was so cute:

& he also got me a necklace:

^_^ *sigh* I love that boy soooo much. He makes me so happy ^_^ This was the BEST Christmas ever!!<3
Sure was a hell of a lot better than last year....>.> That was just horrible....
Anywayz, I'm done x) Leave me a comment telling me what you got for Christmas or whatever holiday it is you celebrate =)