1. Last beverage: Coffe with a hazelnut creamer. My, now didn’t that sound fruity.
2. Last phone call: To Hollow. Was trying to sleep but couldn’t.
3. Last text message: “Good morning.” To Hollow. I am one of those cheese balls who send out good morning messages sometimes.
4. Last song you listened to: “Running Up That Hill - Placebo."
5. Last time you cried: Yesterday. My Mom was crying and I couldn’t help but shed a tear or two.
6. Dated someone twice: I wish I could of. But he is
gone now...
7. Been cheated on: Not that I know of
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Yes. First kisses are usually awkward anyways.
9. Lost someone special: ... Yes...
10. Been depressed: Um. Who hasn’t? Just saying.
11. Been drunk and threw up: ~Laughs.~ Yeahno.
12. Purple.
13. Red.
14. Black.
15. Made a new friend?: Friends and enemies.
16. Fallen out of love? Yes.
17. Laughed until you cried?: Been a couple of those times. ~Remembers fondly.~
18. Met someone who changed you?: Everyone changes me a bit.
19. Found out who your true friends were?: OHHH yeah. Quite a bit. ~Punts Spyder and cuddles Hollow.~
20. Found out someone was talking about you?: -_-; Better question is how many people were talking
about you?
21. Kissed anyone on your fb friend's list ?: FB? Facebook? Wtf. Why does everyone have one of those damn things.
22. How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life: ... ~Head desks.~
23. Your favorite store: -w-; Comic book stores.
24. Do you have any pets: ~Laughs again.~ You want me to list ‘em all?
25: favorite TV show: Ugly Americans currently. <3.~
26. What did you do for your last birthday?: Is it bad that I don’t really remember? I think it was the generic going out to see a movie and having dinner.
27.What time did you wake up today: Surprisingly at 6 AM...
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Fapping. >w>; No, just kidding. I was checking my Gaia one last time before I went to bed. Wanted to let people know where I would be.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: The world to end.
30. ***question wasn't here***
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I was a super hero or I had some kind of mutant ability. Now the question is, what exactly would I want? Hmmm...
32. What are you listening to right now: “Elegant Machinery - Move.”
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: If I did I do not recall it.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? The fact that I can’t just stay home and have my Mom pick up my artwork. That and this dial-up. ~Growls.~
35. Most visited web-page: Gaia online. Derp.
36. There was no 36............
37. Nicknames: Izy, Denzel, Iri.
38. Relationship Status: Taken, taken, taken.
39. Zodiac Sign: Virgo. -_-;
40. He or She? Both?
41. Elementary?: Renolds Elementary School. Our mascot was a raccoon. Woot.
42. Middle School?: I was actually skipping around in schools. (Bad student.)
43. High School? Oasis Highschool. They set me straight.
44. Hair Color?: Red and black. And a leeettle bit of brown.
45. Long or short?: In between. I want it short. ~Wants a mohawk.~
46. Height: ~Growls.~ 5'4. >;/
47. Do you have a crush on someone? Lol, no crushes, only love.
48: What do you like about yourself? My flawless elbows. ~Sarcasm.~
49. Piercings?: Haven’t had the courage to get any sort of needle oriented thing yet so no.
50. Tattoos? Not until my cousin lives up to her end of the deal. ~_~; We are supposed to get it together.
51. Righty or lefty? Left-a-roo.
52. First surgery: Never had one. ~Thankful of this.~
53. First piercing : ~Has none.~
54. First best friend : First best friend ended up molesting me. :l
55. First sport you joined: Gymnastics for a VERY short period of time. So I would have to say Karate instead.
58. First pair of trainers: ... Trainers? <_<;
59. Eating – Nothing. I normally am not hungry in the morning.
60. Drinking – Still this coffee.
61. I'm about to scream at the top of my lungs: If this page doesn’t load. >_>
62. Listening to – “Gorrilaz - Dare.” You trying to learn my playlist or something?
63. Waiting for – Mom to be ready to take me to
ceramics class. ~Taps foot impatiently.~
64. Want kids? How do I put this. HELL NO.
65. Get Married? : Sure.
66. Career? – Artist, ceramics, drawer, or writer. I got some talent for it all supposedly.
67. Lips or eyes?: I’d have to go with eyes. But I do love kissing.
68. Hugs or kisses?: Hugs = Much more comforting.
69. Shorter or taller?: I honestly prefer same height or shorter.
70.Older or younger?: I honestly don't care but I find that I gravitate towards the older anyways.
71. Romantic or spontaneous? Not sure.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms? For some reason I have a thing for forearms. Back when I went to public school, there was this guy who had really nice forearms and I loved looking at them. ~Weirdo.~
73. Sensitive or loud ? Loud. Oversensitive is just
74. Hook-up or relationship?: Relationship, pl0x.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant? : I myself am hesitant. I don’t like making trouble. There is too much of that
in my life already without me being one of them.
76. Kissed a stranger?: Um. No, ew. That would be creepy.
77. Drank hard liquor? Nope, and I never plan to.
78. Lost glasses/contacts?: Nope. I wish I had glasses.
79. Sex on first date? <_<; No way.
80. Broken someone's heart?: Unfortunately yes.
81. Had your own heart broke? Yes.
83. Turned someone down?: Haven’t really been asked.
84. Cried when someone died?: ... Very much so.
85. Fallen for a friend?: Yes.
86. Yourself?: In certain matters sometimes. But for the most part, no.
87. Miracles?: I would have to go with no.
88. Love at first sight? Yes, it is my own personal quote that goes. “There is such thing as love at first sight. You just don’t realize it til later.”
89. Heaven?: No. I really don’t.
90. Santa Claus?: Naw. I know if he were real, then he wouldn’t get me the crummy presents I have been receiving. He would get me what I would actually want.
91. Kiss on the first date?: Sure, why the hell not.
92. Angels?: Soul wise yes.
93. Had more than one bf? Is this best friend or boyfriend?
94. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: One? Psh.
95. Did you sing today?: Yes I did.
96. Ever cheated on somebody? Naw, I only have been with a few.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? I would go back to my teenage years where I wasn’t pressured to do anything but go to school.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it? Ney year’s eave with Sean...
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? No, I like the feeling.
100. Will you post this for others? Sure if they want to.
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