Oh man. I feel infected with the incurable disease again.... the disease of DREAMING. Yep. After this long time of no dreams whatsoever, they've come back.... once again. My insane dreams. I'd scream, but I've lived through these before, and I can again...
Alright then. This dream was the craziest dream I've had in a while. While I was over at my dad's last week, I had this dream, along with another dream that made me feel better about myself instead of deeply depressed (which I'll post about later) Alright. Here's what I'll call it:
Dream 6~ Flight that shall not be
This world was in ruins. There was nothing left but dust and shadows of what used to be buildings, now in disrepair. Everything becoming nothing. It was the worst future possible; worse than 2012 (which will probably never be ;p ). Except for one simple thing: Flight. Everybody had wings. They could fly. Nobody was quite sure why; like god himself had granted one single miracle to this hopeless world. Everyone's wings were different and showed their personality. They could all carry people through the sky. Everyone could fly.
Except.... for one person. Me. I couldn't no matter what I did.
My wings were damaged they day after I was born. Reminiscent of bat wings, they were now in tatters. Nothing could repair them. I could never fly.
I would watch everyone fly over the sky above me, giggling and laughing, sometimes going to cities that were being rebuilt, not in such ruins. But I was stuck in the damned area of the world; the place which would never return. I was quite famous around there. The people even made a nickname for me. "Flightless". Nobody could remember their real names, so everybody was named by someone else.
Everyone was afraid of me. No one ever talked to me, or stopped to wave or anything. They all purposely avoided me, averting their gaze when I was near or flying away as high as they could, knowing I could never chase after. At one point I felt so horrible I couldn't take it anymore. So I marched up to two frontier officers(police) ; one with green angel wings and another with amber duck wings. I glared at them and they glared at me back. "What's your problem? Wanna go to jail, eh?" I sadly smiled. "Cuff me." Then punched the one with the amber wings in the face.
It went dark.
Then I woke up~ of course. Don't worry, it finished the next night (and was very uplifting btw xD ). I'll write that later though. Enough writing for today~
[note that some of the parts were made up to fit in what the story seemed like, for I forgot some of the scenes. I do not make up the main idea though; and never make up my dreams, whether they are daydreams or just dreams. xD ]
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I can't write
Wtf was I doing as a kid help me get help from those darn professionals I can't take this anymore slap me
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