Reku Tsukai
Zero Ember
Build:Thin muscular build.
I Personality 1 I: Level Headed
I Personality 2 I:Kind Heart
I Personality 3 I:Stone Cold Emotions
Reku was orphaned since he was a little kid, After turning seven he ran away from the boredom of the orphanage for the adventure that could be found by a life of wondering.. The first couple of days were shocking to the young boy but he quickly learned from his mistakes and adapted to stay alive.. Soon he found his way into one of the local gangs, as they took him in as a runner for there messages or drugs or what ever.. It needed done, he did it.. That was how he grew up until he found the love from the gang leaders daughter.. Now being as he was now eighteen and had been the doing the wet work for the boss for sixteen years now, he had built his rep and the boss trusted him with his daughter. Now thing went on this way for two years until Reku caught the boss slapping his daughter for something, without thinking Reku pulled out his weapon and slaughtered him.. During the fight his boss manages to fire off a bullet towards Reku just before he dies away, with his daughter jumping in the way to save Reku's life, before the bullet goes into her chest strait into her heart before falling down into a crumpled heap on the floor.. Picking her up in his arms, she whispers that she loves him before her soul leaves her body, as Reku lowers her body to the floor her runs out the door, and away from every thing he once knew.. He's been wondering for two years now, thoughts of that day still haunt his soul as he wonders from place to place just scrounging up a living where ever he can find it.. Until one day he comes across a group of kids being picked on by some older kids, not being able to stand the sight of the little ones being pushed around he runs over there and manages to run the older kids off before turning to the little ones and telling them to go home. As he walks away the kids start to follow him, he lets this go on for a few minuets before turning around and asking the kids why there following him.. They tell him that they have no home to go to and the only back to where they lived is back through the streets where the older kids liked to hang out.. So thinking it over Reku followed the kids as they went along there way, making sure nothing or no one messed with the children.. Arriving at there place the kids thank him and give him this pure blue stone ring that seems to shimmer at his touch, thanking the kids he places the ring on his finger and walks away as he aimlessly wonders through the city.. A few hours pass before someone pulls Reku into a dark ally and starts to pummel him over the head, with out thinking Reku starts to swing for the stranger, as he notices that as he swings and hits the guy, that the ring seems to have extended from it's self a blade of water..Reku stares at the ring as the man on the ground gets up and runs away screaming about coming back...Reku shrugs his shoulders as his focus is still on the blade that has now gone back into the ring.. A man walks out of the shadows and explains that he watched Reku defend the kids and walked them home as well as watching that guy jump Reku.. Which at this point Reku say's something about the man not jumping in to help him or the kids, to which the man replies that if Reku hadn't come along he would have helped the kids, but as to helping Reku, that was not his place to interfere..But then he says something about the ring..That it was a ring of pure water in a solid form and that the only people who could effectively use it were the Kung-Fu masters at the Academy on the outskirts of the area.. Intrigued by the old man's words Reku seeks out this Academy finally coming upon it as the sun set's upon the earth.. Giving him a place for the night, the Masters of the Academy thought about it as Reku was discussing the ring and the events before coming there, They thought about it before asking Reku to try to use the ring again, Trying his hardest to make the ring change before giving up in a the attempt.. Thinking that Reku could possibly unlock the powers of the ring with some training, they admit Reku into the Academy as student. So they lead him to his room and tell him his training begins in the morning...
Qi is a force that everyone is born with and once tapped into can be
manipulated to the users will. Everyone's Qi is unique and is never really
the same. Qi is the driving force behind every unique Kung Fu style each
student brings from their family style Kung Fu. Once your Qi is tapped
into it can not only be elementally be affiliated but the user also gains
an animal familiar, the living embodiment of your Qi. The Qi familiar can
communicate not only with its master but anyone who is able to
manipulate their Qi.
Are you able to manipulate Qi yet?
What level are you at Qi manipulation
Qi element
Your Qi animal familiar
Qi Special Attack
Qi Armor
Theme Song

Zero Ember
Build:Thin muscular build.
I Personality 1 I: Level Headed
I Personality 2 I:Kind Heart
I Personality 3 I:Stone Cold Emotions
Reku was orphaned since he was a little kid, After turning seven he ran away from the boredom of the orphanage for the adventure that could be found by a life of wondering.. The first couple of days were shocking to the young boy but he quickly learned from his mistakes and adapted to stay alive.. Soon he found his way into one of the local gangs, as they took him in as a runner for there messages or drugs or what ever.. It needed done, he did it.. That was how he grew up until he found the love from the gang leaders daughter.. Now being as he was now eighteen and had been the doing the wet work for the boss for sixteen years now, he had built his rep and the boss trusted him with his daughter. Now thing went on this way for two years until Reku caught the boss slapping his daughter for something, without thinking Reku pulled out his weapon and slaughtered him.. During the fight his boss manages to fire off a bullet towards Reku just before he dies away, with his daughter jumping in the way to save Reku's life, before the bullet goes into her chest strait into her heart before falling down into a crumpled heap on the floor.. Picking her up in his arms, she whispers that she loves him before her soul leaves her body, as Reku lowers her body to the floor her runs out the door, and away from every thing he once knew.. He's been wondering for two years now, thoughts of that day still haunt his soul as he wonders from place to place just scrounging up a living where ever he can find it.. Until one day he comes across a group of kids being picked on by some older kids, not being able to stand the sight of the little ones being pushed around he runs over there and manages to run the older kids off before turning to the little ones and telling them to go home. As he walks away the kids start to follow him, he lets this go on for a few minuets before turning around and asking the kids why there following him.. They tell him that they have no home to go to and the only back to where they lived is back through the streets where the older kids liked to hang out.. So thinking it over Reku followed the kids as they went along there way, making sure nothing or no one messed with the children.. Arriving at there place the kids thank him and give him this pure blue stone ring that seems to shimmer at his touch, thanking the kids he places the ring on his finger and walks away as he aimlessly wonders through the city.. A few hours pass before someone pulls Reku into a dark ally and starts to pummel him over the head, with out thinking Reku starts to swing for the stranger, as he notices that as he swings and hits the guy, that the ring seems to have extended from it's self a blade of water..Reku stares at the ring as the man on the ground gets up and runs away screaming about coming back...Reku shrugs his shoulders as his focus is still on the blade that has now gone back into the ring.. A man walks out of the shadows and explains that he watched Reku defend the kids and walked them home as well as watching that guy jump Reku.. Which at this point Reku say's something about the man not jumping in to help him or the kids, to which the man replies that if Reku hadn't come along he would have helped the kids, but as to helping Reku, that was not his place to interfere..But then he says something about the ring..That it was a ring of pure water in a solid form and that the only people who could effectively use it were the Kung-Fu masters at the Academy on the outskirts of the area.. Intrigued by the old man's words Reku seeks out this Academy finally coming upon it as the sun set's upon the earth.. Giving him a place for the night, the Masters of the Academy thought about it as Reku was discussing the ring and the events before coming there, They thought about it before asking Reku to try to use the ring again, Trying his hardest to make the ring change before giving up in a the attempt.. Thinking that Reku could possibly unlock the powers of the ring with some training, they admit Reku into the Academy as student. So they lead him to his room and tell him his training begins in the morning...
Qi is a force that everyone is born with and once tapped into can be
manipulated to the users will. Everyone's Qi is unique and is never really
the same. Qi is the driving force behind every unique Kung Fu style each
student brings from their family style Kung Fu. Once your Qi is tapped
into it can not only be elementally be affiliated but the user also gains
an animal familiar, the living embodiment of your Qi. The Qi familiar can
communicate not only with its master but anyone who is able to
manipulate their Qi.
Are you able to manipulate Qi yet?
What level are you at Qi manipulation
Qi element
Your Qi animal familiar
Qi Special Attack
Qi Armor
Theme Song