I know it's been like a week, but
how was your Halloween? =)
What did you do?
What did you dress up as?
I was a vampire ;D
Here are some pics:
Make sure you delete one of the http:// things...Gaia's being dumb & won't show the links unless I put an extra http:// thing there =/. Anyway...
Well, my town's dumb, & had trick or treating the day BEFORE Halloween...
on Mischief Night....
stupid (insert name of my town here)...
gotta ruin all the fun....
So I went trick or treating with my friends
Jessica (an Eskimo...a slutty one at that =/)
Andrew S. (he didn't dress up...bum >.> wink
& Krystyne. (vampire ;D)
Then we met up with
& Lily's brother Joe.
& then I went to a Halloween party my boyfriend's family was having.
Krystyne came with me cuz she had nowhere else to go...
cuz her parents weren't home...
When we got there
me & Krystyne looked for Daniel
(my boyfriend =P)
His parents said he was in the house.
So we went in...
& him & his best friend Al were in the living room....
Al was wearing a black guy mask
& had big curly black hair....
he looked like Slash lol.
Daniel was wearing a Jason mask
& a black mullet wig thing...
& then they chased us around the house...
scaring us...
rofl xD
We locked ourselves in my mom's car xD
They were rocking the outside of it
& crawling under it
& coming up to the windows & banged on them....
we got so scared xD
it was great =P
So my mom left after a while to pic up Kim from work
Kim is this girl that lives with me...
cuz her parents moved to Idaho
& she wanted to stay here...
so they left her =/
Krystyne went with my mom....
& left me with Al & Daniel....
to die....
They continued to chase me for a bit
but then stopped. =P
We had a bit to drink....
I was buzzy x)
Daniel's sister-in-law was really buzzed lol.
His mom & cousins were drunk xDD
They tried to sing karaoke....
it was hilarious xDDD
Hmmm.....I think that's pretty much it....o.O
Well, leave comments & tell me what you did for Halloween ;D
Peace Out Girl Scouts!<33
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"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...," he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word. "What a stupid lamb," I sighed. What a sick, masochistic lion." ~Edward Cullen and Bella Swan 'Twilight'

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