Tooday im gonna show you what i do in class sometimes when im bored xDDD and so here it goes!!:
Here is my freaking weird nail paint or it it nail polish i dont know what its called but its weird xDD my sister says its a zebra i say its a a white tiger -_-;; AND THE FREAKING NAIL PAINT OF POLISH OR WHAT EVER IS HORRIBLE D; i need to buy a new white one =___=;;[P.S i did not do this in class xDD i just wanted to show you =w= and i was drawing whit a pen it was sorta hard not to make mistakes xDD ]

Got bored here:

Omhosh this is House head XDDDDD :

i draw this for a friend of mine he named him "One eyed Jack" xDDDD :

and thiiiis here is my favorite pin <333 i love it cuz its red and its a flower xDDD:

and oh loook more drawings:
Lynceeh -w- :

Somewhat i love this one xDDD :

Got bored :

i dont know why i took a picture of this but i dont know somewhat looks sorta cool xDDD this is a Plant system thing xDD i just like the way i drew et =w= [P.S Dont mind my writhing looks like i can write whit my feet xDDDD] :

Oh looks its me again xD :

i freaking died laughing at this one xDDD didnt get to finish it thought:

I was playing a game here whit a friend of mine that sits next to me and he kept on beating me at this game so i got freaking mad XDDD :

Dont ask me about this one i dont know who she is i was just drawing random xDD wich thought it turend out pretty good =w= :


Here is my freaking weird nail paint or it it nail polish i dont know what its called but its weird xDD my sister says its a zebra i say its a a white tiger -_-;; AND THE FREAKING NAIL PAINT OF POLISH OR WHAT EVER IS HORRIBLE D; i need to buy a new white one =___=;;[P.S i did not do this in class xDD i just wanted to show you =w= and i was drawing whit a pen it was sorta hard not to make mistakes xDD ]

Got bored here:

Omhosh this is House head XDDDDD :

i draw this for a friend of mine he named him "One eyed Jack" xDDDD :

and thiiiis here is my favorite pin <333 i love it cuz its red and its a flower xDDD:

and oh loook more drawings:
Lynceeh -w- :

Somewhat i love this one xDDD :

Got bored :

i dont know why i took a picture of this but i dont know somewhat looks sorta cool xDDD this is a Plant system thing xDD i just like the way i drew et =w= [P.S Dont mind my writhing looks like i can write whit my feet xDDDD] :

Oh looks its me again xD :

i freaking died laughing at this one xDDD didnt get to finish it thought:

I was playing a game here whit a friend of mine that sits next to me and he kept on beating me at this game so i got freaking mad XDDD :

Dont ask me about this one i dont know who she is i was just drawing random xDD wich thought it turend out pretty good =w= :