Sorry I haven't made a new useless journal entry that no one reads updated in awhile. I'm just busy stressed . So anyways, like all entries in here, the title is self explanatory, but still confusing confused . Allow me to explain, then.
By most people's standards, it's a pretty non- confusing dream.
Basically, it's just a desert. All dry with cracked ground and obscenely hot, with the sun hanging low over the horizon in a permanent sunset. I'm not sure how it got to be so hot in the evening, since the desert's supposed to be cold at night, but I guess this desert's special. At random intervals, the whole scene flips over. Like, flips over. I'm being serious. The whole thing goes all Invertor on you and does a back flip, revealing an identical scene only early in the morning. Pretty weird, right? Hold on to all loose articles, then, 'cause you aint seen nothin' yet.
And have I mentioned that I HATE SNAKES?!
They're literally covering every square meter. Hey look, an oddly- colored lake- oh, wait. Just a bunch of rattlesnakes climbing on top of each other. God, I don't want to know. Better watch your step in my dream.
So finally, it feels like whoever's manning my Dream Camera decided it was time to move on, and we cut to another scene, this time with a dingy little gas station.
And someone keeps saying the word 'potty' over and over again.
It is, by far, the most annoying thing I have ever heard.
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"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
-T.E. Lawrence
-T.E. Lawrence
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