The Music Box

- "No worries, no worries!" A man, probably by the age of forty, told another man around his age. "You have a beautiful wife, a great house, plenty of money and a lovely little girl, what else could you possibly want?" The other man nodded. "You're probably right, John. But, I don't know why I have this feeling..." John chuckled. "Henry! My old friend! I told you! What is there to worry about?" Henry's spirits finally lifted, and the two men chuckled.
- The party finally ended, and only three remained. It was the owners of the household. "Henry." Said a woman, about Henry's age. "It's about time Lisa was put to bed." Henry turned to the woman and walked towards her, giving her a little kiss to her forehead. "You look ravishing, dearest Isabella." Henry said, in a sweet way. Isabella nodded. "Thank you dear, but it's your turn to but our daughter in bed. You know how she loves it when you sing her to sleep." Henry sighed and obeyed his wife's orders, before walking up to a little girl in a pretty white dress. "Hello, Pa-pa." She said, looking at him with gentle eyes. "Lisa, are you ready to go to sleep?" The little girl nodded and grabbed her father's hand, and they bother headed up the stairs of the giant mansion. Making they way up the stairs, they came across a ple white door. With one hand, Henry opened the door to reveal a little white room. With a window and plenty of stuffed animals all put nicely in a corner. By the window was a nightstand, and on it, a little music box. Lisa ran over to her music box and opened it. Inside was a little doll that looked like her. Lisa winded up the music box, and it began to play a soft melody. Than Lisa let out a yawn and Henry edged her on to her bed which was in the other corner. "Papa?" She said. "Yes?" Henry replied. "Can you sing to me? That song about the angels?' Henry nodded to his daughter's request and tucked her in bed before sitting at the edge of it and began to sing. "Let the angels sing of happiness. They sing of greta things, and make you, sing these thing to. Then they say "We love you~..." And continued until is daughter fell asleep. She kissed her gently on the forehead, then got up and walked out of the room. The music box still playing.