Name: Slap Nakahisa
Age: 12
Occupation: Unknown
Orientation: Straight
+Anima Ability: Cat
Crush: Cooro
Bio: Slap has been through a tough life.With having the name Slap, she has been harassed, accused, and lonely. Ever since she first started school, kids would make fun of her. And when there was a huge incident out in public, someone would purposely blame it on her.
That's when she decided to drop out of school, on her tenth detention in elementary. After, Slap has been home schooled, that is, until her parents were gone one day from home and never came back.
Slap felt she needed to run away, and be free, to mind her own business. This is when she first discovers she is an +Anima, and now even more people discourage her. Though she does not care, after Cooro, another +Anima, has taken her in to do some traveling with her friends. Slap admires Cooro and Senri (another +Anima), unlike Husky and Nana, who try to insult, or convince her to go away.
Time after time, Slap learns to become more friendlier, and less lonely, and learns the true meaning of friendship, and love, all thanks to Cooro. The group all have big adventures together.