How do you measure a year?
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, three hundred sixty five days… but what does it all mean if all you know and are is something that you can’t be? Something that makes you impossible and nonexistent in another’s eyes. Something that should not be, and yet still is.
Welcome to the world of the supernatural.
Cold and desolate is this world we live in. But moreso now than ever before. Now is the era of fast moving, ever changing technology. Everything is logical and has an explanation. Yet still not everything is explained. How was the universe created? Some say matter exploded from something else and just came into being. Others say it was created by the celestial being, known by many names but most commonly as God. But even beyond merely our creation, people still wonder… who is God? How did He come into existence? No on knows. Try as hard as you might, no one can explain the unknown. So it is cast aside like some loathsome object. It’s treated as though it doesn’t matter. They think that if it’s unknown, it can’t possibly exist. Its human nature to fear what we cannot explain, and therefore it is pushed aside and forgotten about… until it’s needed again that is.
In this corrupt and hypocritical age, all supernatural and other worldly things are shunned. It is illegal to discuss, draw, write or have anything to do with supernatural and other worldly beings. Society forces the citizens to obey these orders, and without question. They soon became masses unwilling and unable to think for themselves. They became mindless slaves of the corrupted core themselves.
The Council.
The Council served as the ruling government to this new nation. They hold their tyrannical power with an iron fist and unshakable wills. They make rules and enforce them, even if they don’t follow them themselves. They are the most corrupt of all. Power-hungry, blood- thirsty, brutal leaders of hypocrisy who are only interested in bettering themselves. They care nothing for the people who live beneath their rule. All fame, glory and worship is theirs.
And one fateful day on a quest for more glory, they stumbled upon a very dusty book in the dark recesses of some abandoned storage room. Taking it, they poured over the pages, absorbing the words hungrily. Words of power and wealth drenched the pages. But within these words was the power to unleash terror and chaos over the world. Words that could bring about the worlds doom.
Within the pages was an ancient formula. It was known as “Nyte’s Elixir” and supposively kept one alive, no matter how ghastly or grievous the death. Practically immortality. But they read no further than the recipe and the introduction, that being enough to satisfy their curiosity and fuel their mission. Many deadly herbs and supernatural ingredients were needed for the dark concoction. Immediately, they set out on crusades to collect all that they needed. Many bloody years went by during their ghastly crusade and countless fey and supernatural creatures were killed off or extinct altogether.
But despite all this, the Council succeeded in creating the Nyte’s Elixir. Together, the council members lined up their loyal minions to whom it was administered. Very soon, they saw, their handpicked became a liability. Too late they realized they had saved none of the Elixir for themselves and now their secret power potion was out.
The experiments seemed to show no signs of being different or unnatural in any way. Rather, they seemed quite cool and collected. Nevertheless, they were viewed as threats, and therefore must be disposed of. Quietly, in the dead of night, the Council members had a large, deep pit dug down below their labs, with a hatch they could climb through to stand on a glass encased platform, well out of harms way. Once finished, they managed to get all the experiments into “the Pit” as they called it. All the walls were sealed by a certain incantation, trapping all the experiments in it. The Council, smug at their certain victory, openly ordered the murder of their creations. They were slaughtered mercilessly, hacked to pieces and burned to ashes. This ought to have been enough to take them down. The treatment was so brutal even a full immortal would have pleaded Death to come. But in their power search, they failed to remember the rest of the Elixir’s properties and results:
“… little shall the changes gain
‘Til Nyte’s Elixir in their veins
Is stirred up once again
Then there doth the bloodrath reign
And the sun shant ever be seen
For instead the world shall see
Nyte’s immortality.”
Until the Council made their attempts and the experiment’s lives were endangered, the Elixir lay dormant in their veins. But now, it awakened such a bloodlust in these once peaceable creatures that the murderers became the murdered. All were ripped apart by the remaining experiments, save three; Amaroq, Kane and Zeera. They were lucky enough to escape during the turmoil. Together they snuck out and watched through the reinforced safety glass as a massacre beyond their wildest dreams unfolded below. The panicked screams and cries of agony could be heard as blood spattered and soaked every surface, streaking the glass and staining the dirt floor of the Pit. But they looked on coldly. They were lucky, this they knew. But sometimes, those lucky enough to cheat Death the first time ended up meeting a worse demise.
Hoping to guard themselves from their imminent doom, they spent many sleepless nights trying to find a cure or serum to undo the evil they gave birth to. But this proved futile, for no such thing existed yet. And it was only so long before the incantation wore off and the creatures found their way out of the Pit…
Then it came to them. As long as they were protected, they would have less to worry about. More could be done about the serum and the world might possibly be saved from the brink of the apocalypse where they were perched precariously.
But what could they use?
For all they knew, anything could be susceptible to the Elixir’s power. But many more tests brought bittersweet tidings. Canines were seemingly immune to the Elixir, however small the dosage was that they were able to make from the leftover scraps of their originally collected ingredients. Yet there was still one minor setback. Normal canines could still contract the deadly side effect. But one’s of paranormal blood were found to be as immune as their blood was pure.
Pure blooded werewolves to be exact.
So began their search. Few werewolves remained, if any. Because of that, there was no knowing if any were still alive, let alone how pure their blood was. All had been exterminated in their quest for power. In fact, they were the first species to be targeted and attacked. And what had been their worst enemy was now their potential saviors. They were poor of spirit at this, however, and had lost all hope. They were just about to give up and resign to their gruesome fate and utter destruction of the world, when more hope finally reached them.
Not all hope was lost.
A mysterious dark clad man had come and informed them that a few more werewolves did indeed exist. How pure their blood was, he wouldn’t say, but only that they were of excellent stock. They didn’t care. They immediately set out to retrieve the wolves and bring them back at all costs. For the sake of their lives…
And the fate of the world.
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Rainbows in the Dark
This my story Rainbows in the Dark. It's still a work in progress.... but I plan to post any new chapters I complete here as well as on my Yahoo blog (bleck blogs.... I hate that word. Journal is better) and Deviantart (ask me for my account page....
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