But one night during summer I went over to her house to talk, kiss, and have fun (not in the sexual way you pervs. ).
But as soon as I started walking back home, I heard a loud shater of glass and then a loud bloody murder scream. In shock I turned around; it came from my girlfriend's house! I rushed back as fast as I could. I saw 4 thugs jump out the window. But one stoped in his place, and threw a molitove through the brocken window! The whole room was now on fire! I jumped through the brocken window into her room. The whole room was on fire! I looked as fast as I could, trying not to get myself killed, to find her. After geting past a few flames I found her, crying and bleeding on the ground. The heat was too intense, I had to get her out of there! I grabed her, and caried her in my arms. But, I wasnt fast enough to get out of there. A wooden support from the wall feel in front of the window bocking my only path. Next thing I knew, I got hit by something hard and it all went black. I woke up 2 weeks later in the hospital. My girlfriend was in the bed next to mine in the room. But trying to get up, a big pain rose up my back. I realised that my back and arm were casted. I got better, but my love; she would lie there asleep. I wouldn't leave the room because I wanted to be with her and see her awaken. She did wake up the 4th week(thank the Lord Almighty for life support). She was weak, and had a gun shot in her hip. I cryed with tears of joy everytime she woke up. When it came up to the 6th week, one day she said, "Austin...promise me you will keep on living when I'm gone." I could only say the most wanted awnser that she wanted,"I'll try my best, you have my word." That night, I woke up in shock. She was breathing hard and fast. I got up in all the pain I was in and yelled out the door for help. I rushed back to her as soon as I saw people running down the halls to awnser my crys. I tryed to talk to her but the tears on my face were rushing down and chocking me. The doctors came in and started trying to save her. The nurses pulled me away from her, I tryed to get out of their grasp, calling out her name as loud as I could. One week later was her funeral. Me and her parents were the ones suffering the most. I prayed each night, to ask God to tell me it was just a dream. But my prayers always ended up in tears. Now, I try to forget about her, but it never works. I try to go out with other girls even though it hurts. But they just cheat on me a minute later. I hated their guts and my life...but I'm not giving up...not yet...because I promised her. I'll keep my promise...I will try...my love forever.
I love you Marina Angel. I'll see you agian someday... heart