i rote this for class tell me what u think
Wreck Kills South Teacher
(We start off in Dennis Shoup’s class room. It is 4:30 pm. The same time he levies every day. He is talking to his wife on his cell phone)
Dennis: So what is for dinner?
Miss. Shoup: Well I was hopping you can go get some bratwurst.
Dennis: I thought we were having soup?
Miss. Shoup: Well, there is a baseball game on to night; and I know how much you love baseball and bratwurst!
Dennis: I love you so much. I’ll go to that little mart on the way home.
Miss. Shoup: Love you too. See you soon.
(Dennis steps in to his beat up old Honda [end of act 1]. He drives 20 miles from Bloomington South High School. He parks three spots down from the door. It is now 6:00 pm. He pulls out his wallet to make sure he has enough money. He sees he still has that hundred dollar bill. That reminds him he forgot his check. Because it is Friday, he will have to get it Monday.)
Dennis: Man… I forgot my pay check. It’s a busy Friday, I’ll get it Monday. No big deal…
(He cheers up when he thinks he is going to have his favorite meal, watching his favorite game, with his favorite team. And with that thought he put on his favorite team’s hat; his Cubs hat. He walks into the little mom and pop market. He stands at the door and ask)
Dennis: Where is the non-frozen bratwurst?
(A man walks over and Dennis noticed he had a name tag says Kenny)
Kenny: I’ll show you.
(Dennis and Kenny walk over to the very back cooler in the right corner. Kenny pulls out the non-frozen, fresh made bratwurst)
Dennis: (looks at the package confused) Why are they called “Massingale Bratwurst”?
Kenny: (lightly chuckles) The owner’s daughter Erika makes them in the back. Speaking of Erika.
(Erika walks in and put more bread on the shelf.)
Erika: (nods at Dennis) Hi.
(Erika walks back into the back. Takes off her apron and walks back out and sits on her chair behind the counter and opens an old book. Kenny walks to the register and Dennis walks to the counter and pulls out his wallet. Dennis looks at Erika’s book)
Dennis: What type of book is that?
Erika: Mythology, The Odyssey, 1961 copy.
Dennis: You like mythology?
Erika: Like It, I love it!
Kenny: $8.50 please
Dennis: Can you break a hundred?
Kenny: Can do
(Dennis hands Kenny the money. Kenny puts it into the register. Kenny gives Dennis his change.)
Dennis: (nods) Thank you
Kenny: Come again
(Dennis walks out of the market gets into his Honda. He looks up at the building and there is still no sign.)
Dennis: They should get a sign. Well time to go home.
(Dennis turns on his car. He puts in a cassette of an old Cubs game. He buckles his seatbelt. Dennis begins to back out. He backs out about 20 feet. Then he puts the car into drive. He pulls all the way around the market. He pulls to the exit. He stops and looks both ways and says)
Dennis: I have to be careful. I remember last Friday on the way home from work there were three drunk drivers on the road. [end of act 2]
(It is now 6:50. Dennis pulls out and goes 35 miles an hour and sees a 30 mph sign on the road. He slows down to 30. A camouflage truck, with the ten times to big wheels, also with the full confederacy flag covering the entire back window. There is a blue Chevy Blazer come 45 in the opposite lane. The truck punches the gas and his large tail pipes spew out black smoke and gets on the right side of Dennis [the truck is going 69] and makes Dennis slide into the other lane. As all this is happing the Chevy Blazer driver [Troy] cell phone went off, he got a text from his friend Bill)
Troy: Oh, it’s Bill. It must be about that party tonight.
(Troy is looking at his phone while Dennis is half way in his lane. Dennis slams on his horn to make Troy realize what is happing, but it is to late. Troy tried to avoid Dennis but in doing so he hits Dennis head on. The truck is long gone by now. Dennis’ Honda is up in the air and flips three times. He hits a tree and lands and his wheels after falling 15 feet. When Dennis Shoup lands he has already passed away. When Dennis hits the ground, Troy’s car has just stop spinning, Troy’s car did 8.5 circles. Troy calls 911)
Operator: 911 what is your emergency?
Troy: I have just been in a serious car accident, I need an ambulance, I’m not really hurt but the other guy HAS to be!
(Troy phone battery died and his phone went off. Troy tried to open his door and it is stuck. He just sits there and waits for help. It takes three minutes for the police [4 of them] and an ambulance to come. It takes another minute for a fire truck. A cop runs over to Troy.)
Officer #2: Are you alright?
Troy: Ya, I’m alright. But that man! (points) he needs help. I’m just stuck. No pain nothing’. JUST GO HELP HIM!!!
Officer #2: Ok, the firemen will come get you. We will go help him.
Troy: Thanks! Hurry!
(The police get Dennis’ corps pulled out of the car as soon as the fire truck comes out. The paramedics declare Dennis dead. The Officer # 1 rubs the back of his neck and the sees the firefighters [5 of them])
Officer #1: That man says he is not hurt but he cannot open his door.
Firefighter #3: K. k.
(3 firefighters get Troy out in four minutes. The only thing wrong with him is a little cut on his forehead, a bump on the top of his head, and a broken rib. Troy sees the paramedics put Dennis in a body bag.)
Troy: Oh my God!
(Officer #4 walks over with a notepad and a blue pen)
Officer #4: Can you tell me what happened?
Troy: Man… I’m, I mean, it happened so fast! I got a text from my friend Bill. I just glanced at my phone to see who it was. Then the next thing I know is he honks and then that officer is running over asking if I was okay…
Officer #4: ok thanks very much. (Looks at the paramedics) you can take him to the hospital now. (Whispers in a paramedic’s ear) make sure his head gets looked at.
Paramedic #2: Will do.
(The paramedics put Troy into the ambulance. Another ambulance pulls in as soon as the 1st ambulance leaves. The 2nd set of paramedics (2) puts Dennis in to the ambulance [end of act 3]. We are now in the hospital. The two paramedics roll Dennis into the coroner’s work area. The coroner’s name is Jasper. He is standing looking out the window.)
Jasper: (light hearted) Got me another one?
Paramedic #1: Yep. How’s is going Jasper
Jasper: Not to shabby. What happened with this one?
Paramedic #2: Car accident. We got his name. Dennis Luke Shoup.
Jasper: Dennis Shoup?!
(Jasper runs over and unzips the body bag. He gets a great look of sadness on his face.)
Jasper: Man…
Paramedic #2: You know the guy?
Jasper: Ya, he’s my neighbor. His wife will be divested. He has 5 kids too.
Paramedic #1: That’s too bad.
Jasper: (shakes his head) Ya. Well… see you guys later.
Paramedic 1 and 2: By.
(Jasper zips up Dennis. Jasper pulls out his cell phone. He dillies Miss. Shoup’s number)
Miss. Shoup: (Haply) Hello?
Jasper: Miss. Shoup, its Jasper.
Miss. Shoup: Oh hi Jasper.
Jasper: Has any police came by your home?
Miss. Shoup: (surprised) No, why?
Jasper: I have some bad news to tell you. I just got a victim from a sever car accident. And we both know the victim.
Miss. Shoup: oh… who is it. I hope it is no one Dennis is close to.
Jasper: Miss. Shoup. The person in the person is the accident… it is Dennis.
(The phone gets quiet we here a door nock)
Miss. Shoup: (speechless) I need to go.
([end of act 4] Miss. Shoup hangs up the phone. She goes to the door and opens it. There is an officer at the door. She throws herself into the officer’s arms and crys.)
Officer: I am guessing you know.
(Miss. Shoup nods. The officer nods back.)
Miss. Shoup: (starting to calm down.) Please go I would just like to be alone. The kids will be coming home soon I would like to tell them alone.
Officer: (nods) Alright maim.
(the officer walks off. Miss. Shoup walks back in to her home. Sits down picks up the phone and dillies Debbie Neal’s phone number. The phone rings 2 times. [end of act 5] Debbie walks over to the phone. In the back ground we see a Mother of a student [Kelly] and Kelly’s daughter [the student] is at home [Abby])
Debbie: Hello?
Miss. Shoup: (lightly crying) It’s me…
Debbie: What’s wrong?
Miss. Shoup: (crying harder) Dennis is dead.
Debbie: (sits down) How?!
Miss. Shoup: (claming down) car wreck. Hey, I need to go. I need to call his family… can you call the other teachers.
Debbie: Will do. (Debbie hangs up the phone with her head down says to Kelly) Dennis Shoup is dead.
Kelly: Oh my God!!! HOW?!
Debbie: Car accident…
Kelly: Abby will be deviated. I should go home and tell her.
Debbie: Ya you should. See you later Kelly.
Kelly: By
(Kelly walks out the door. [end of act 6] Kelly takes a deep breath on Debbie’s porch. She walks across the street. She stops at her door, takes another deep breath, then goes through. She takes four steeps and goes through a door on the right. She goes down the stairs and sees Abby watching TV. She sits next to Abby on the couch and starts to cry.)
Abby: (shocked) Mom. What’s wrong?
Kelly: (reluctantly) Mr. … Mr. Shoup, umm, his has passed away. He was in a car wreck (Abby’s hands are on her mouth) Miss. Neal told me.
(Abby is balling. Her mom grabs her in her arms. Kelly rubs the back of her head. After two minutes Abby pulls away from her mom. She wipes her eyes and waves her mom off. Her mom kisses on the head and head backs up stairs and we hear the door close. [end of act 7] Abby grapes her cell phone. It is 11:45 pm. She dillies my number. My phone rings once)
Jessica: (waking up out of sleep) What… is it Abby? ...
Abby: (crying) Jessica. I have some bad news.
Jessica: Really? What is it? Are you ok?!
Abby: I’m fine. But, Mr. Shoup is dead…
Jessica: (yawning) ok… WAIT WHAT?! Is this a joke (crying) because this is SO not funny!!!
Abby: No, I’m not…
Jessica: OMG!!! (Balling)
Abby: I know… hey I got to go… I’ll see you at school… by
(Abby hangs up. Jessica sits on the bed crying. The curtain falls. A person walks out and a spot light shines on him. He has a microphone.)
Narrator: This play is to be remembered by all. That day was a very sad day to the world. The world lost a man filled with compaction. Loved by many, hated by none. Dennis Shoup was a simply complicated man. None could every put in words what kind of man he was, and still is. He loved baseball, and his family. When Dennis went to heaven, the first thing I know he asked God is “Will the Cubs ever win the world cup?”. That is just how Dennis is. This play is written by a one of his students. He helped her through a really bad time in her life. He helped her through a personal great depression, helped her to excel in school and life, he never let her down. I know in her heart, our hearts, and the worlds, he will never be forgotten.
R.I.P. Mr. Shoup
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