Name: Chrona Timeskeeper
Race: Vessel
Title: Keepr of Time and Space
Age: Ageless, however, she appears in her early to mid-20s to most
Gender: Female
Weapon: She really has no true physical weapon, but the closest would be her staff. 6' long of pale, otherwordly wood, it had a hole on the top with a silver chain wrapping around the end, from which hangs at around 5'', a large ornate clock (see picture), around 2' in diameter. The hands are pernamently positioned at the time 2:45, frozen in time, unless she uses a great deal of her power relating to time, in which case the hands spin rapidly.
Abilities: She controls time and space, though great restrictions have been placed on her power, the lock on her powers being a small clock hanging by a thin chain in her hair, always ticking. If allowed by her 'binder', she can use short bursts of immense power that is equally draining on both herself and on her binder. When too much power is used, she is sent to a deep slumber in the deepest, darkest pits of the earth, and the binder is relinquished back to their original life if they do not die in the process.
Binder: none
Eye color: blue, though so washed out that they are barely perceptible around the whites
Hair color: a transluscent blond, the blond which only seeme to show in firelight or direct sun
Bio: TBA