My Mom drove us to his work and on our way to Mobility Plus, Charles told me about a puppy that a costumer gave his Boss for taking 200 dollars off her Power Chair. Linda wanted her, but she has a dog already and her husband wouldn't want more pets. Charles told me it was a Pomeranian and her name was Abby, that she was sooo cute and tiny. I was excited to see her!
We arrived to his work. Charles and me went inside and he showed me Abby. I LOVED her!! She has the cutest black face and the softest brown fur. Linda told Charles that she sold him to a mexican guy who had fancy jewelry and a fancy car for 150. She added, "I don't feel comfortable giving her to just anyone, cause I'm an animal lover. Would you take her? She's two months old." I explained that I have no way to pay for her and my financial aid hasn't been sent to me yet. She just kept asking and asking that we can slowly pay Abby off. lol. Charles then volunteered to pay her off using a portion of his check each week. He really wanted to get Abby for me and I thought it was sweet he did.
So Linda gave us Abby's shot papers. Told us to take her outside to go potty, and other dog stuff and we took her home! Absol (my cat) was sniffing her and Abby would provoke Absol by chasing him after he'd walk away. lol. It was cute.
I was soo happy! I love Abby and I think it's the cutest dog (next to Pumba, my first Pomeranian) I've ever had! Thank you Charles! I love you! heart

Community Member
So that is how a Pomeranian puppy looks like.....super adorable!
Is she an ankle biter? xd
And she let the Mexican guy with the fancy stuff know that Abby was sent to someone else, right? :O
I just woke up and if I missed out why, that is why....I just...woke up ^_^"