My over shoulder bag is pretty handy. We do have to carry our backpacks all day, but they don't mind you having over shoulder bags. So I keep my phone there. I should leave my Ipod Nano at home. I'd say it is safe to bring because I like the teens there. None are rude to me. Well this one guy; But thankfully he left the following week. My Mom did say I have permission to bring it, but I will NOT BRING IT WHEN SCHOOL STARTS.
About school lockers... At my Middle School we do have lockers but only in the Gym, and only have access to it while getting dressed. People have fiddled through my backpack in the locker room once because we didn't have to get dressed, and I left my lock on my original locker And put my backpack in the big locker. Then I went in shocking wondering who did it? ( Then I remembered it's probably that girl who is jealous of my Ipod Nano! ) So I just hold back my anger, I zip my backpack up leaving the locker room. ( I LUCKILY had my Ipod Nano, Phone, and Wallet with me! So lucky!!! )
Also when my money was stolen, my Ipod Nano was in my backpack, in a different slot. I WAS SO CLOSE TO GETTING IT STOLEN! But they only fiddled in the front zipper.
Since the Ipod Nano coincidences, that tells me that my Itouch will be even worse. I might even be bribed by trust in some of the girls at my School just to try and steal my Itouch this year. But I am leaving it at home. My Ipod Nano will be brought, since it is tiny, and a lot of people own one. But not many own an Itouch. Infact, last year I recon of not seeing any Itouches.
So actually this is a good way to lure someone into my backpack, getting them in trouble!!! I can say I have an Itouch I usually keep it at home... ( I would leave my Ipod Nano home so that doesn't get risked after I told people about the Itouch ) This would work since I am too kind and rarely EVER in trouble.
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~ Koopie Luvz Avi Art ~