What was going through his mind at the time? What was this man thinking helping some girl from the other side of the battle field out. He wasn’t the one who had struck her Gundam down. The officer pulled her out carful holding her in his arms. He sat her down on the ground looking at her. Her eyes where closed and she looked peaceful. “Do you remember what I said to you Rose?.... How I told you that I will always be there for you?” He berried his face in her neck weeping from the pain. “Did I even keep my promise?!” He then got a response from her weakly. “Ta-Tama…. you know you…you..” Tama’s black eyes looked up at the girl. Only the light from a near by fire could only show her face. Her light blue eyes where focused on him, she had some what of a smile on her. Tama took off her helmet to see scratches on her face. Shards where in her body as well. Tama knew she wouldn’t make it yet he tried to yell for help. “Ta-Tama…” Rose reached out to touch his face. “I-I love youuu….” Just then Rose’s hand dropped for Tama’s cheek and on to the ground. Her words faded away and her eyes closed along with her head cocking into his lap…. She was dead. “Rose?” Tama shook her. “Rose?!” He then touched her face. “Rose…. I’m sorry….” He whipped silently. “I wasn’t strong enough for you… I just wanted you to leave a life with no battle… no anger… no death…” He looked at her for a few seconds. His eyes started to burn his cheeks from the salty tears of his. He then picked her up slowly and started to walk off, caring her with in his arms. In his mind he could only play back how they met and how the danced under the moon light when they where young. Why did I have to fight her? Why?!” He thought to him self grinneding his teeth. Tama walked passed the rubble of the destroyed buildings that where on fire. He made his way into the gundam and blasted away to a forest and berried her there… because the forest is where she loves to be… he knew that… and he wanted her to be at peace. Tama stood up to look at where he berried her. His eyes seemed to have stopped sheading tears. “Rose… I will keep my promises to you next time… and this time I’m not just going to protect you… but all my comrades and subornments. I will promise you that!” Tama then ripped of his necklace and placed down on her grave. He then stood up to salute her. He stood there until he felt it was time to leave. And so he did… But he left something behind with her… and that was his heart.