Name: Malystrix McCaleaxe aka Mally
Ht: 7ft 2in
Wt: 256 pounds
Age: 34
Race: Night Elf but was raised by the Earthen aka Dwarves
(read up on Night elves please)
Weapons: Dual Swords, prefers to use his fists.
Class: Rogue (read)
personality: Mally is aggressive, social, outspoken, blunt, carefree and considered a brute by most who cross paths with him. He enjoys alcoholic drinks and often gets into drunken bar fights. Because he was raised by Dwarves, he as a very thick dwarvish accent ( sounds irish/scottish)
Looks: Mally is tall and very muscular. His body is covered with many visible scars from the years of doing mercenary work, gladiator fights to the death and one to many bar fights. He has very sharp, strong, facial features and is thought to be ruggedly handsome by the ladies. He has messy, shoulder length dark blue hair, silver colored night elf eyes, Long, pointed night elf ears and silver/light blue hued skin.
Back story:
- Son of proud couple, Azarah and Maveredor Silverwind. Mally was unfortunately orphaned as an infant and was raised by close family friend, Orsic McCaleaxe the earthen (dwarf). Azarah and Maveredor had left Mally in Orsic's care while they left to defend their homeland from the invading orcs who wished to destroy and harvest the lumber of their precious forest. During the attack, Mally's parents were slain. In memory of his dear friends, Orsic raised Mally as his own.
Despite the fact that Mally grew to be a tall massive night elf, this didn't stop him from fitting in the dwarvish society. Mally grew up with a strong thirst for thrills and turned out to be a very skilled Rogue warrior. Desperate to sharpen his skills with his blades, he would frequently participate in gladiator type fights to the death for gold. His skills were noticed by the Arch Mage Leon Warrian. Master Leon was the owner of a mercenary guild and didn't hesitate to offer Mally a job. Mally accepted the job with out question.
He ends up meeting a beautiful, Night elf Druid by the name of Selene, who was also in the guild. The two fall for each other and marry. A year later, they have a son who they name Solistrix. Sadly, Selene is killed by the Scourge and their King, Arthas, leaving Mally to raise his son on his own.
Name: Tharian Sunbinder
Ht: 5ft 10in
Wt: 152 pounds
Race: Sin'dorei aka Blood Elf
Age: 26
Weapon: Rune Blade
Class: Deathknight
Personality: Tharian is quiet and usually to himself. His mind is sharp and calculating, making him a good leader in battle. He remembers little of what he was before he was made into a deathknight and now strives to redeem himself for the evil he had committed while under the Lich King's control.
Looks: Tharian has long black hair that is worn in a pony tail and has fair facial features. His eyes are typical of any death knight, which are blue and glow from the unholy magic that had brought him back to life. His ears are long and pointed like any elf and he has a slender but toned body build.
Background Story
- Tharian was born and raised in Silvermoon city. He became a ranger in order to serve and protect his people. When the Scourge came and destroyed Silvermoon, Tharian was killed in the process and his body was brought back to the necropolis to be resurrected as a Death knight because his body wasn't to badly damaged. Once he was brought back as a Deathknight, he specialized in the unholy arts and was a walking bio hazard. He laid waste to many villages and cities with Arthas's aid.
During one of his raids, he encountered a Paladin (holy knight) and engaged in fierce combat. The paladin sadly was killed by Tharian's ability to sow unholy diseases such as the Ebon Plague. Before he died, he managed to strike Tharian with a Holy spell that put Tharian in a 4 day coma. When he finally awoke, he remembered who he was and that he was being controlled by Arthas. Now he has vowed to assist bringing down the Lich King and redeeming himself for the evil that he had committed.
Name: Matt Seeker
Ht: 6ft 2in
Race: Human
Age: 24
Weapon: Two handed axe
Class: Warrior
Personality: Honorable, yet a rebel at heart. Even though Matt is a good person, he doesn't respond very well to authority. Matt doesn't choose to be a loner, it just happens but he welcomes the company of others if the opportunity arises.
Looks: Muscular, rugged and handsome, Matt has messy, red brown hair and piercing green eyes.
Background Story:
- Matt was born into a wealthy family and as he grew up, he slowly discovered that this wasn't the kind of life for him. His parents pushed him to be a scholar but Matt had other interests. He was a natural when it came to fighting and he would sneak out at night to place bets and fight. His parents soon found out and were very ashamed of what their only child had became. At age 17, Matt was thrown out of his family to fend for himself. Matt didn't really care, he preferred a life of adventure over a stuffy safe life of an aristocrat.
Name: Zen Shadowstar
Ht: 6ft 7in
Wt: 223 pounds
Race: Night elf
Age: 19
Class: Priest
Personality:Zen is a night elf priest that serves his Goddess, Elune. He is very pious and is currently serving the Stormwind army as a healer on the battle field. He has a calm gentle nature and can be very kind. His caring nature makes him very popular with his fellow soldiers.
Looks: Seeing how he is a night elf, he is extremely tall just like the rest of his kin. He is also younger and has softer facial features than most adult male Night elves. His hair is long and silver colored and his skin tone is a silver gray. His bright, golden eyes stand out the most.

Background story:
- All his young years were spent wondering what was out there in the vast big world. Wanting to fulfill his dream of seeing the world, Zen became a priest of Elune and traveled for awhile helping those who were in need of his healing talents. Eventually, the Stormwind army took interest in his skills and recruited him. Zen happily serves the people.