To get started, before this EP came out hey monday let us in on a look on there new EP with the songs "i dont wanna dance" and "hangover" with also a music video with the song i dont wanna dance. at first hear i was pretty impressed with the songs. they were catchy and very memerabol. the only problem is that it would seem like Cassadee has gone with a popish feel and in which some people would be disapointed about.
Geting to the album its self the EP comes with 7 songs if you count "fall into me" and to be honest it kinda sucks that it was only a EP and not a full album in which im sure they were more then capable of doing. alot of people would say that there rockish feel is still there but to be honest there is nothing on this EP that i would not here from a Demi lovato or Avril Lavigne album which kinda sucks. now that dose not mean the music is not good, although some after a while get old the songs have a nice beat and some what good lyrics.
So dose this mean you should go and buy it for 6 dollars? well mabye. if you are a true Hey monday fan then i would have to say this album is for you, but if you are not and liked there rockish feel then i would skip this one and try for somthing else. i would say it was worth the money but just barly and i give this EP a 7/10. so what do you think about it if you have it and if you dont are you going to buy it? hmmmm.
*plz note im no professional and just love music and would like to share to you what i think about it. biggrin ty!*