Character Basics:
✐ Name: Lester Peridot. pronounced "PE-ri-doth" and not "Pa--Ra--doh" like the Birth stone. "Le-st-ER"
✐ Age: Lester's vampire age is 122 while his human aga is 27
✐ Bithtdate: August 9th 1888
✐ Zodiac Sign: Leo
✐ Gender: He is male
✐ Race: Lester is Caucasian, born in Luxembourg
✐ Occupation: Lester is the owner of a blood bank that provides food for Vampires and blood for humans. Lester also is working on opening a Vampiric bar with a few of his friends for humans and vampires to enjoy.
✐ Sexuality: Lester is straight, but is a metro-sexual to a certain extent.
✐ Relationships: Lester had a few relationships throughout his life, the most memorable for him was the relationship between his wife to be Cecilia, who things didn't really work out with, and later on with a woman named Vanessa, whom he dated.Vanessa turned out to be a polygamist, having dated several other men while she dated Lester, Lester found that out the hard way when he went to surprise her on Valentines day. that day he canceled his plans with her, apologizing and went to the flower store to get her the freshest flowers and after that went to get her favorite chocolate treats to surprise her, and when evening came he also collected an engagement ring that he wanted to present to her, as he loved her deeply and wanted to marry her, as he arrived to her apartment, he opened the door with a spare key and came in slowly, He knew she'd be in the bedroom watching TV as she liked to do that, Once he entered the room he just stared, for she was making out with another man, she had noticed Lester but hadn't said anything.
Lester then just closed the door and left, leaving the spare key, he decided to be over with her, as he was quite hurt for he loved her so much, yet she didn't even care that much about him or so he felt. He gave the flowers out to women and gave the candy to the kids, as he could not eat the candy, at least he made someone else happy, as for the ring, he kept it. It is amongst his other things.
✐ Hair Color/Length: Lester has long silky black hair that reaches his elbows in length. He usually wears it down, but sometimes styles it in a loose ponytail that hangs down his left shoulder or just his back. Depends on the situation.
✐ Eye color: Lester has light gray or silver eyes.
✐ Skin: Lester's skin is a bit on the pale side.
✐ Weight: 156
✐ Height: 6'3
✐ Built: Lester might seam like a skinny white guy (Literally) but due to being a vampire he is quite strong. If you anger him too much he would warn you, if one does not listen he would lash out.
✐ Distinctive features: Lester has a scar on the back of his right shoulder, due to his father breaking his arm when he was about eight in human years.
✐ Clothes: Lester usually dresses in a business suit when he is in an office setting, as he is a businessman. Usually going with black pants, belt, and jacket and underneath it, a blood red shirt with a black tie and black business shoe. When in a home environment, he wears a simple T-shirt or a Muscle shirt (Wife beater mostly) and Jeans of all sorts. And if not Jeans then sports pants.
✐ Image reference: [1] [2]
✐ Song: Buck-Tick - Love Letter
✐ Personality: Lester is a relatively calm individual but be he in a bad mood he'd snap at people, mostly being rude rather than cursing someone out. He is hard to Irritate but if you keep at it for a while he would get annoyed and snap at you. If you don't stop he would get very very angry, and that usually means bad news.
Over all Lester is nice and will do anything in his powers to help a friend in need. He is very loyal and noble, the once who are close to him know it best.
✐ Abilities: Due to being a Vampire Lester is very strong and agile despite his appearance. Lester has the ability to sense unwanted presence, which makes him uneasy and hissy, thought he will not go after anyone unless he is threatened physically. He has the ability to see an objects past if he touches it, as many pure blooded Vampires can, which sometimes makes him flustered or uneasy, and other times depends on the objects past, calm and happy.
✐ History: Lester was born on August 9th 1888 in Didelange, Luxembourg, to his Father, Alexander Peridot, and Mother Gloria Peridot. He is the middle child of three, having a Younger sister (Elizabeth Peridot) And an older sister. (Eliza Peridot) His older sister is two years older then him, and his younger sister is two years younger then him, making him the middle child. Unlike his sisters Lester was occasionally beaten to the point of loosing consciousness and being beaten over the head numerously had caused him some memory loss in the long run. His father would do so to 'teach him a lesson' or if he had done something 'bad' which were mostly accidents. His mother suffered the same fate as him, She'd get beaten whenever she tried to stop her husband from hurting her son anymore.
At age nine (19 in human age) his father arranged for him to marry a human girl named Cecilia, she was about the same age as Lester, but was very much afraid of him, which made Lester very sad, since he did not want her to be scared of him. So he decided to talk to her and call off the wedding. When he told his father that he refuses to get married and called the wedding off, his father was very much outraged by Lester's statement, telling him he'd disown him and that he'd kick him out of the house, which he in fact did.
Not much is known about where Lester was during that time, only that he had moved to the states eventually and went to business school, meeting a few of his friends, dead and alive, like David and Arthur Miller opening his blood bank and being taken as a hobo sometimes, as he waited for someone to pick him up, mostly a taxi, as he was tired to leap, on one of those nights he met Co who took him in and he had been living with her, helping her around the house.
Then his childhood friend moved in, then the Weredog and then Co was kidnapped, Lester went to save her, and eventually did, but he was charged with 6 months of house arrest, which were over thankfully.
He is now still living with her
✐ Art done: Art by Me
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“Not all the leaves have fallen yet.
When I look at the distant mountains,
my heart is filled with yearning
and longs to vanish into them”
― Doppo Kunikida
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“Not all the leaves have fallen yet.
When I look at the distant mountains,
my heart is filled with yearning
and longs to vanish into them”
― Doppo Kunikida