Gaianame: Darth Vron
Name of The Destined:
Darth Vron
How long is your History:
240 due to jumping in and out of stasis.
Tell us about yourself:
you look rather nice:

Name of The Destined:
Darth Vron
How long is your History:
240 due to jumping in and out of stasis.
Tell us about yourself:
you look rather nice:

What is your Destiny:
Sith Lord
What weapons do you hold in your possession:
Lightsaber eqiped with Lava crystal, Vexxtal Crystals, and the third slot is filled with Lignan crystal lastly when a saber just wont cut it he has a DC-15 side arm blaster
What Abilities do you Hold ?:
Force Drain, Mind Trick, Force lightning, Deadly Sight, Cure Poison, Ionize, Force Healing, Force stun, Telekinesis, Lightning Shield, Force cloak, Force sense, Comprehend Speech, Drain Knowledge, Force Jump, Force Speed, Psychometry.
Where are you from ?:
The Unknown Region
Your race:
Other: Vron Owns an Venator-class Star Destroyer as base of operation and an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor as his traveling ship
Sith Lord
What weapons do you hold in your possession:
Lightsaber eqiped with Lava crystal, Vexxtal Crystals, and the third slot is filled with Lignan crystal lastly when a saber just wont cut it he has a DC-15 side arm blaster
What Abilities do you Hold ?:
Force Drain, Mind Trick, Force lightning, Deadly Sight, Cure Poison, Ionize, Force Healing, Force stun, Telekinesis, Lightning Shield, Force cloak, Force sense, Comprehend Speech, Drain Knowledge, Force Jump, Force Speed, Psychometry.
Where are you from ?:
The Unknown Region
Your race:
Other: Vron Owns an Venator-class Star Destroyer as base of operation and an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor as his traveling ship
Art done by J wolf