August 10, 2010 Tuesday 12:51AM
I cut myself today for the first time in a while. Maybe a month. I don`t know. I`ve lost track ever since communication between the two of us became more difficult.
The mother-person was angry with me for a hickie that Nucc left on the right side of my neck. Pathetic woman. It seems that I`m failing her expectations of a 17-year old Asian female. Silly woman. I wanted to cry. Pathetic.. Both of us. It must run in our disgusting blood. A lovely line, from just above the waist line on my stomach to a bit below the naval`s line.
Yesterday was amazing though. It really was. We met again for the sixth time.
He came over around1:05PM. We went to my room andI gave him the ***** lookalike plushie I bought for him in New York. We then headed to Arby`s for lunch, since his stomach wasn`t feeling too well, as we had originally planned for Greek/Athenian food.
Headed back to the house and after I alonw going upstairs to retreive my camera we went to the basement and I shared some pictures with him after kissing a bit. Pictures lasted for a few minutes until Nucc presses some wrong buttons and messed everything else. Nomming ensued afterwards.
We "watched" "Moose Attack" on Discover Channel for a short while, flipped through several channels on the Guide, and finally just muted it and later turned it off.
He had me sit on his lap and we nommed some, he was sitting on the left side of the couch this time. Rec ryht cmebbehk ihtan so knao cgend, cdnugehk sa ujan dra ihtanfayn, yht drah ihtan dryd yc famm.
Ra vehkanat sa vun dra fano vencd dema. Ed fyc cu... ysywehk... E pnaydrat yht cekrat fedr bmaycina cu sicr...
He said thTat he was glad that it already broke, so ra luimt pa y ped nuikran.
Nomming and touching each other.
At one point whem we were doing this for each other, I asked rec ev ra fyc kuehk du lim.
"I`d rather not," he said. Explaining dryf ed luimt kat bnaddo sacco yht ra teth`d fynt dy fymg ynuiht fedr tneat casuh eh rec byhdc.
At another point, a time a bit after 6:00PM, I asked if he wanted me du bmayca rec. Ra cyet, "Maybe next time."
[August 10, 2010 8:29PM]
After asking why, he pointed out that it was after 6 and it was easier du dyga rec "ryht uid uv so byhdehk drah du ryta rec telg", motioning with his hands, "Down, down!"
We had a casual dinner at the mother-person's mother's house. It was nice, I guess. We left at around 7:52PM to catch the first game of the pre-season of NFL at 8PM.
We got home with 45-50 minutes to spare till 9PM. We went to the basement in near darkness and watched the game for a bit. E cdnyttmat res yvdan ceddehk po res vun y frema. He eventually muted it and then turned it off, as the lights on the TV were distracting. He asked if we could turn on a light. I turned on the lamp above the fake fireplace. Returned to the sofa on his lap.
Ra ycgat sa, "Fuimt oui mega cusa suna?"- res cdnugehk sa drana.
"Fuimt oui mega sa du bmyaca oui?"
"Uhmo ev oui fynd du."
He could sense my reply, as we made parting kisses.
E kud uvv uv rec myb du dra nekrd yht gnaat pavuna res. Rec nekrd mak cmekrdmo pavuna yht haqd du sa, E pakyh du ih-tu rec pamd, yht drah rec pidduh yht webban, ymm dra fyo.
"Uhmo ev oui fyhd du (so muja?)." ra dumt sa ykyeh.
"Zicd damm sa ev E's tuehk yhodrehk fnuhk," E cyet. E luhdehiat ihwebbehk.
E duilrat rec pmia bmyet puqanc yht vaekhat luhviceuh y ped yht hud paehk ypma du veht dra cmeb. Ra gehtmo crufat ed du sa. E kahdmo duug uid rec telg, yc ed fyc du rec mavd y ped, yht melgat ed. Ypuid 4.5-5 ehlrac, syopa?
Vnus drana E sucdmo cilgat yht duhkiat rec rayt. Ed fyc... vmacro? yht y ped cymdo, mega cfayd. Ra tet ybumukewa ev ed dycdat y ped utt palyica ra ryt paah cfaydehk dryd tyo.
Palyica ed fyc uhmo cu muhk, E fyc ypma du kad sucd uv ed. Rec kahdma ryhtc fana uh so rayt.
Ra fych'd vunlavim yd ymm, frelr fyc hela.
Hayn dra aht ra kud y ped vunlavim fedr rec ryhtc, pid ed fyc cdemm kahdma. "Ryntan," E nasaspan res rymv-knuyhehk. E muugat ib y vaf desac yht rec aqbnacceuh fyc uv bmaycina.
kejehk ed fyc y mud aycean dryh E ryt druikrd.
Frah ra lysa ed fyc y cinbneca du sa. E cittahmo vamd y drelg/tahca mexiet eh so suidr. E ubahat so suidr y ped, pid hud vnus rec telg, yht cusa vamm uid du dra nekrd ceta uv rec syhruut, E cfymmufat dra nacd. Hud aqyldmo dycdo, pid tu-ypma. E ybumukewat, "Ur, E's cunno Nucc. E kud cusa uh oui,"-duilrehk ed. E drah duilrat so mebc; cdelgo. E drah cyet, "E's hud cina ev oui fyhd du gecc sa yvdan dryd." Y csema uh so vyla.
He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "You did very well."
He then suggested that we clean up pavuna ed kut uh rec byhdc. We went to the bathroom and washed up.
We sat on the sofa again, and he asked me if I fuimt mega res du bmyaca sa. I said, "Only if you want to." He smiled and said, "I do."
E kud uhdu rec myb, so pylg dufyntc rec mavd, yht ra vehkanat sa. It was amazing. Not as amazing as the first, but amazing nevertheless. I'm glad my autoimmune disorder didn't get in the way of us today.
We went upstairs and got some water. He told me that it was "The best job a 25 year old man has ever experienced(had?)."
He was really smiley the rest of the evening. We went up to my room after fetching our shoes downstairs. I gave him his chocolate.
At around 9:10PM we walked hand in hand to his car under a not-so-starry night. He showed me his astrology application thing on his phone again, it was nice.
We held hands for a long while, long enough for a woman to walk from the neighbour to the left's house and back, we greeted each other. We kissed twice, and said goodbye.
I'll miss him so much. Until next time.
[End Log] 8:43PM
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