July 6, 2010 Friday 9:39PM
For the fifth time, Nucc and I met. It had been only six days since we had last seen each other, but it was still so wonderful to see him again.
This feeling in my heart.
Heartstrain. Until July 20th till at least August 1st, I won't be able to have contact with him. We've survived longer with seeing each other, almost six weeks in fact, but no more than around five days without communication. I'll miss him a lot.
He arrived today around 1:35PM and stayed till about 9:05PM. We hung out in my room for a while. Geccehk, cdnyttmehk...
We then headed to Ruby Tuesday's on Sharon Road, getting lost by passing it up, due to my stupidity.
We left there at some time after 2:30, then leaving to the park. It was wonderful. Very few people, and we had the trails to ourselves for the most part. I felt him again on the flesh, yvdan lusbmyehehk dryd rec byhdc fana duu dekrd. Ra gehtmo ihwebbat rec byhdc yht E fyc keja yllacc. Ed fyc ryntan dryh mycd desa, yht rec rayt fyc ryntan yc famm. It was really nice.
Around half an hour to forty-five minutes later we headed back to the car, weary from the heat and humidity. Back at the home, we had some drinks and went to my room to relax, etc. Then, going downstairs to the basement, we watched the French film Amelie. It was really nice, watching the movie with him. It was really nice, just being with him in the comfort of my home, just the two of us.
Within the last half hour of the movie I was leaning on him, his left arm around my shoulders, my right arm around the back of his waist, my left on his chest.
Eh drec bucedeuh, E nasaspan nihhehk so vehkanc ujan rec nekrd hebbma vun y luibma uv sehidac. Y desa mydan, ra cyet cusadrehk mega, "Tuh'd lymm ouincamv y huup," yht drah cusadrehk ypuid ruf E ghuf aqyldmo ruf du bmayca so syh. Ra nacdat so mavd ryht uh rec lnudlr. Rynt. E cdnugat rec analdeuh vun y frema. E luimth'd ramb socamv. E naknad ed y ped huf.
E nasaspan, ynuiht dra caluht desa dryd ra mevdat ib so pny yd rusa, dra drent desa drah dryd tyo(?), ra kyja sa relgeac uh so nekrd pnaycd. Ra funneat dryd ra ryt paah rindehk sa. Silly, wonderful, lovely, loving man.
Oh, god, I love him so much.
Sennyo, I'm going to miss him so much. He suggested that I write down for him the things that I'd like to tell him while I'm away. I promised him so. I miss him so much already. I love him, Sennyo. I love Nucc. I will marry him.
[End Log] 10:39PM
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