Client: ???
"I want some assistance rescuing my friend...and please, bring only one or two members."
Dungeon: Dismal Delta
Floors: "We need to go to the very end..."
Rewards: ??? + ???
"I want some assistance rescuing my friend...and please, bring only one or two members."
Dungeon: Dismal Delta
Floors: "We need to go to the very end..."
Rewards: ??? + ???

Zori & Frost
Zori sighed softly, gazing up at the Bulletin Board. Her leafy tail swished mildly as she peered closely at each of the missions. Just behind her, a very timid-looking Growlithe was hudded near the tip of her tail, watching with wide, worried eyes as she pulled a paper off the board.
"Z-Zori... You're not p-picking anything sc-scary... are you?" Frost whimpered uneasily. "I m-mean... We're n-not like... going t-to the Tower of D-Doom or anything.... r-right?"
Zori shot him a strange look. "There's no such thing as the Tower of Doom, Frost." She corrected, turning back to the mission papers posted all over the board. Maybe it would be best to take a long one. She remembered that Luna had promised Diablo that they would train Frost to be a warrior, but he was still as much a coward as ever. Maybe the experience would do him good. She put back the mission she'd originally taken, and looked for a longer one. Spotting another, much longer mission, she immediately snatched it up, stepping back to read the slip.
Frost whined in fear.
"...That's strange...." The Leafeon murmured quietly.
Frost pricked his ears timidly, craning his neck to read the mission paper. "What's str-strange...?" He barked in a barely audible voice. He really didn't like this idea. He wanted to go home now...
"Well, they're specifically asking that we have only one or two members to come and help them. And it's partially an escort mission." Zori frowned in confusing.
"I... Z-Zori, I d-don't like the s-sound of th-that...." Frost replied with a low whine, glancing back at the Bulletin Board. "M-maybe we sh-should f-find another one..."
The Grass-type shook her head thoughtfully. "No. I think this warrants an investigation, and I don't want to leave this for a weaker team to risk their lives on." She replied firmly.
At this, Frost barked in alarm. "R-risk our l-l-lives?!" The Growlithe backed away nervously. "I d-d-don't want t-to g-go..."
Zori growled quietly. "Are you, or are you not the nephew of Diablo?" She demanded in a surprisingly patient tone.
"I-I am, b-b-but..."
"Then do him proud! Do your team proud! This isn't a terribly difficult mission, and you'll have a type advantage of over half of the Pokemon in there!" The Leafeon persuaded, her leafy ears pricked with determination. "If things get too rough, I can send us back with our badge, okay?"
Looking up into Zori's golden eyes, the Growlithe relented, whimpering slightly, but seeming a little more reassured. "O-okay... J-just... I'm not a very good fighter..." He admitted, ducking his head in shame.
"Don't worry, Frost. Some things come with time. You'll be stronger when you're older." The Leafeon murmured soothingly, turning and headed to leave.
Frost pricked his ears in surprise, before scampering hurriedly after Zori, not wanting to be left behind.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The slender, golden-eyed Leafeon stood in waiting, her eyes and strange, shimmering markings seeming to glow in the dim light of the delta. It was a rather eerie sight, but at the same time, it seemed beautiful. She sniffed at the air, her leafy tail flicking with impatience as she waited for their client to arrive.
At first, she'd just wanted to help Frost gain some experience in missions and battling, and possibly investigate the strange terms of this client's request, but now, seeing the delta... She wanted to be here more often. It was dark, yes, but it was pleasantly cool, and the air was clean. She felt very at home here. It would be worth it to explore.
She could feel Frost trembling from where he was lying, pressed up against her hind leg. His thick, blue fur was extremely soft and warm in comparison to the cool sand they stood on.
It was a little over an hour later when a Mightyena padded up to them, his crimson eyes flickering with mistrust. "You the escorts I sent for?" The massive canine asked roughly, his harsh gaze flickering down for a moment to examine Frost, who was edging nervously away from the Dark-type.
"Yes." Zori replied calmly, pricking her ears with curiousity. "We're from Team Stormcloud, of the Guild of the Sun." She introduced quietly. "I'm the captain, Zori, and this is Frost, our youngest recruit."
The Mightyena sniffed unappreciatively. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get going already." He turned to leave, and Frost rose shakily to his paws to follow the large Dark-type.
Zori growled slightly at the Mightyena, flicking her tail slightly in a motion for Frost to stay behind her. She wanted to keep the young Growlithe close on this mission, especially with such an unusual, and rather bad-tempered client. She had a duty, above all, to keep her team safe, and she intended to preform that duty well.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Several hours later, the sound of falling rocks and pawsteps echoed throughout the tunnel, as the trio made their way steadily onward through a long, narrow cave. According to Flint, travelling through it would cut back on half of their travel time, although it was a tougher route to take.
Zori's small, delicate paws gripped the rocks with ease, and she clambered over them, pausing about halfway up the rocky slope to check on Frost, who was still clambering up behind them.
The Growlithe was have trouble, his limbs still short from puppyhood. He had a long way to go before he'd be able to get around as easily and gracefully as the older two Pokemon.
As his paws slipped on the damp stone, Frost let out a sharp, alarmed yelp, falling backward. He was caught, as Zori's teeth grabbed a firm hold on the young Fire-type's scruff, and the Leafeon pulled him to safety.
Frost clung tightly to the rock at Zori's paws, and the Leafeon sniffed at his thick, blue fur for any signs of injury. "Hold up, Flint; we have to slow the pace down for Frost. He's not used to the terrain." She called up to the Mightyena, her golden eyes shining brightly in the darkness of the cave.
The Mightyena bared his teeth silently, showing his displeasure, but he relented, pausing to wait as the Leafeon made her way up to the Dark-type, this time moving slower so as to help Frost along with her.
The Growlithe, grateful for the help, mimicked her movements, so as to take the shortest, and easiest route to the top. It was tricky to do, as he was a great deal less athletic than his captain, but she'd chosen the path with him in mind, and it was far easier than trying to make his way up alone.
Rejoining Flint, the Mightyena growled in irritation at the young Fire-type. "We can't keep slowing down for him, you know. Sooner or later, we'll have to start moving at a normal pace if we're to get there in time." He muttered to Zori, causing the Leafeon's ears to twitch.
"He'll be quicker on solid ground, I promise. He's just not experienced with this sort of rough terrain." She soothed the angry canine, continuing onward.
Flint gave a soft growl, but said nothing more, picking up the pace, and scrambling easily higher.
Zori sighed to herself, shaking her head. She glanced back at Frost. "How're you doing?" She asked him in a quiet undertone, being careful to keep her voice low, so as not to attract their client's attention.
"Th-this is hard, Z-Zori..." The Growlithe mumbled back, padding up to her side.
She rasped her tongue gently over the small Fire-type's ear, soothing him in a very motherly fashion. She'd been becoming steadily more and more maternal, and she figured it was probably Doku's influence. The gentle male had brought up a softer side in the Leafeon. Where she once looked to Luna for guidance, the Marowak now looked to her. It was strange, but somehow the team was already quite used to the new Zori.
"We'll be back out into the open air, soon, Frost. I promise." She wrapped her leafy tail delicately around Frost's shoulders, and stepped up onto the next boulder, guiding him up the slope.
"We're almost there!" Flint's sharp voice called out from somewhere ahead of them. Zori squinted to try and catch a glimpse of him, when suddenly, the Mightyena let out a panic-stricken cry.
"I'm coming, Flint!" Zori barked, bounding swiftly up the slope, and leaping from boulder to boulder with practiced precision.
Frost's eyes widened in awe as she disappeared into the shadows, and scrambled to follow, trying to copy the Leafeon. After several, scary moments where he nearly fell back down, he relented, and began searching for the easiest way up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Zori bit down hard into the Vileplume's thick petals, poison spurting from her jaws as she did so. The Poison Fang cut deep, and the Vileplume screamed, shaking off the Leafeon, who rolled into the dust.
The Vileplume blasted a Poison Powder, the tiny, toxic spores glowing in the dim light of the tunnel.
Zori winced as they clung to her fur; it felt like thousands of tiny embers had caught on her pelt, steadily burning. A bell-like chime echoed from within her throat, and the spores dropped off, falling uselessly to the floor.
"Traitors! Outsiders! You are enemies of the WORST kind!" It shrieked at them. Zori froze, confused.
Flint ignored the Vileplume's cries, darting in from behind and hitting it with another Poison Fang, causing the Grass-type to let out another cry of pain. His teeth tore at it's petals, and their was a sickening tearing sound as one of them was ripped in half. The Vileplume was screaming at this point, and Zori couldn't stand back any longer.
She leaped at Flint, knocking him away from the Vileplume, who immediately fled into the depths of the cave.
She turned then on Flint, her golden eyes dark with fury. "It was defeated! You didn't have to hurt it that badly, Flint!" She snapped at him, her tail lashing angrily.
"Don't tell me how to fight, Leaf-brat." He snarled back, turning to leave. "You fight your way, and I'll fight mine. Got it?"
"So be it." She hissed, standing to wait for her teammate.
A few moments later, the gentle scuff of Frost's soft, fluffy paws could be heard, and the Growlithe paused next to Zori. "Wh-where is F-Fl-Flint...?" He stammered quietly, pressing close to the Leafeon for comfort in the dark cave.
"He's gone up ahead." She answered coldly, her ears pressed flat against her skull as she padded off down the tunnel.
Frost followed, knowing better than to ask anything more.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Zori lead the way out of the tunnel, her eyes easily adjusting to the dull, dim light of the outside world. Frost and Flint paused next to her. They were looking out over the whole of the delta, from atop a rather large cliff. Zori sniffed at the air, a soft growl rippling from her throat. "We'll have to make our way back down." She hissed in irritation, eying the Mightyena suspiciously. "This shortcut of yours has cost us more time than it would take just to walk straight out across the delta!" She accused.
The Mightyena snapped his fangs close to her muzzle warningly. "Would you rather get yourself stuck in the quicksand?" He barked back, his eyes narrowed with anger. He was lying. Zori could hear the catch in his voice as he spoke.
Frost whimpered in fear, hiding behind Zori as the Leafeon's upper lip curled in a silent snarl of defiance. "Let's just get moving." She growled at her companions, leading the way down the long, winding path back to the delta itself.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The heavy downpour of rain splattered the path, making it slippery, and difficult for any of the canines padding down the slope to get a grip with their paws.
Zori's claws had been able to hook into the ground for the first few minutes of the rainstorm, but now the ground was so slick and muddy that getting a grip was near impossible.
The drenched Leafeon led her trio closely along the rocky cliffside, giving them something to grab onto if they slipped, and providing at least a little shelter from the wind and rain.
"Z-Zori... I'm c-cold..." Frost whimpered quietly, from somewhere behind their client.
"Shut your yap, Pup; we're all cold, so you'll just have to deal with it." Flint snapped back at him, growling. It was obvious that the bad-tempered Mightyena was having as much trouble with the rain as Frost, his sheer weight making every slip on the muddy slope more dangerous.
A sudden rush of wind buffeted the group, causing all of them to cling tightly to the rock beside them.
Ignoring Flint's remark, Zori called back to her teammate, her voice strained from trying to speak up above the wind that howled in her ears. "We've got to keep moving, Frost! How long can you hang on?!"
"I-I th-think I c-can make it!" He shouted back over the wind.
Zori felt a flicker of pride at the determination of her timid recruit. "Then come on! Let's get out of this Arceus-damned rain!" She called back, half-sliding, half-clawing her way down the slope.
A shadowy figure slammed into the Leafeon, knocking her sideways off the edge with an eerie screech of hatred.
"Aaaah!" Zori screamed, barely managing to cling to the edge of the mud-coated path, and her hind paws flailing uselessly in the air below.
"Zori!" Frost shrieked in alarm, leaping out to save his captain.
A black paw flung out and knocked him back against the rocky wall. "Stay put, idiot! At least one of you has to stick with me!" The Mightyena barked in frustration, trying to push the Growlithe forward down the path, and keep the pair of them moving.
Something pulled sharply on the Leafeon's scruff, dragging her back onto the path, where she lay in the mud, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. As she rose to her paws, she realized that she couldn't see her companions, nor even whoever had saved her. Panic struck her with devastating force. "FROST!" She screamed, scrambling down the path as quickly as she could manage. "FROST, WHERE ARE YOU?!"
A returning cry answered her from farther down the path, and the Grass-type bolted toward the voice, her paws slipping horribly in the mud.
The ghostly figure she'd seen before had returned, knocking Frost back against the rocky cliff. The Growlithe yelped in pain, trying to scramble uphill toward his captain, where, in his mind, he would be safe.
Zori, however, couldn't stop on the mud-slicked path, and leaped, sailing high over Frost's head. Her Leaf Blade met with empty air, however, as the ghost disappeared into the shadows, and she tumbled headfirst into the mud.
"Z-Z-Zori, Z-Zori! Are you okay?!" Frost called out in alarm, skidding to a halt at her side.
The Leafeon hauled herself to her paws with an audible groan. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Her body ached from the brutal fights they'd already been in. Without sunlight, her Synthesis was deemed useless. She couldn't heal herself as she was used to.
"Wh-what was that?!" He asked fearfully, and Zori know he meant the strange, ghostly shadow that had attacked them on the path.
"I don't know."
Frost nuzzled his captain's shoulder worriedly, and the Leafeon winced, flinching away from his touch. A deep gash ran along her flank, most likely from sliding over the edge.
"Arceus..." She muttered sourly, and Frost whined, staring at her with his large, dark eyes. The Grass-type could only just make out a flicker of orange in them, squinting through the rain. "Where's Flint?"
"I-I d-dunno... He d-disappeared ab-bout halfway d-down the path..." The Growlithe whimpered. "Sh-should we g-go look f-for h-"
Zori sighed softly, pressing her muzzle comfortingly against Frost's neck. "It doesn't matter now. Let's get you out of the rain." She murmured quietly, leading him out onto the delta.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The small Growlithe curled up against Zori's flank, heat burning from deep inside his body, despite the cold rain that poured down over their heads.
As it turned out, there was no shelter on the delta. No trees, no hollow logs... nothing. And so there they lay, curled up together for warmth in the long grasses. The icy rain of the storm had been falling for hours, and showed no signs of stopping yet.
Zori's body was curled protectively around Frost, her leafy tail resting over his body to try and deflect some of the rain.
Both Leafeon and Growlithe were fast asleep, despite the harsh weather, worn out from their hike through the tunnels, and their ordeal returning to the delta.
Lightning lit up the delta, revealing a familiar figure approaching the sleeping teammates.
Flint padded cautiously closer, his thick, black fur drenched with rainwater. A battlewounds and scrapes ran along his flanks and hindquarters, as though he'd been chased away by a particularly brutal enemy.
The Mightyena paused, examining Zori and Frost in silence for a moment, before glancing back at a strange figure. "They're pretty beat up. That blasted idiot nearly killed them both!" He growled to his companion.
The sleeping Leafeon's ear twitched, the movement going unnoticed by the Flint and his companion in the heavy rainfall.
"We'll see to him later. For now, just get them through to the pass." The figure replied. "And be sure to take the route by the river."
Flint nodded, turning back to look at the pair of Sun Guilders. "I'll wake them soon."
The other Pokemon turned and left, disappearing into the rain.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Where'd you go, last night when we were attacked?" Zori asked, limping along next to Frost. The gash on her shoulder was paining her, and she knew she'd probably gotten it infected, from the amount of rain and mud the night before.
"That Gengar chased me off." The Mightyena replied gruffly. He, too, was moving slower today because of his injuries, and he hung back with the pair of Sun Guilders, leading them along the river's edge.
Zori's ears pricked in surprise. "A Gengar? What did he want with us?" She questioned, glancing beside her at Frost. The Growlithe shrugged timidly, choosing to stay silent in the presence of the Mightyena.
"That one's just violent in general. He's one of the reasons I needed your help to get to my friend." the Mightyena admitted, turning his head away, seemingly ashamed to admit his situation.
Zori frowned slightly. 'Mightyena are Dark-type; they should have the advantage over Gengar. He must be pretty strong for Flint to need our help.' She thought herself, staring at the ground beneath her paws as she stumbled on.
'But Flint was so strong, yesterday, the way he fought off that Belossum... What's going on here?' Zori's thoughts were interrupted as Frost gave a sharp squeal of terror, bolting away from the river's edge.
A strong gust of wind blasted into Zori's side, sending a sharp pain running through the Leafeon's shoulder. She cried out in pain, and Flint leaped past her, electricity sparking from his jaws as he plunged a Thunder Fang deep into the body of a Finneon. The little Water-type went limp almost instantly, but it wasn't alone; Finneon traveled in schools.
Several of them shot off Water Pulses at their aggressor, sending the Mightyena crashing down into the river.
Alarmed, Frost urged Zori to her paws. "Zori, you've got to help him!"
The Leafeon nodded, dazed, and leaped into the shallows of the river, swiping a Leaf Blade at the Finneon school to disperse them.
Several of them backed off, but a few remained, using Gust to send Zori flying back again. Already terribly weakened, Zori fought to get to her feet.
Frost shot off a Flamethrower, scorching the scales of the Finneon. But as the inexperienced Growlithe wasn't very strong, all he succeeded in doing was angering them.
The trio were bombarded with Water Pulses, driving them back away from the river, and they gladly retreated, heading inland, and away from the water's edge.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"YOU!" Zori screeched, glaring furiously at the Mightyena. "You led us along the river! You knew about those Finneon, didn't you! DIDN'T YOU?!"
"I didn't know anything, Leaf-brat! I thought the river was the safest route! How was I supposed to know that the Finneon there are territorial?!" He spat back, metting Zori's glare eye to eye, before leading the way off into the grasses.
'You LIVE here, Flint. How could you not know?' She thought sadly, her eyes flickering back toward Frost. The Growlithe met her gaze with weary eyes. He was exhausted. 'No one so young should have to endure this...'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Zori padded wearily through the pass, her eyes dull with exhaustion. Frost trudged along behind her, fighting not to get left behind. Ahead of them, Flint was limping, but being less tired than his companions, had taken the lead.
Rocky cliffs stretched high into the sky on either side of them, and they were forced in close to the river once more.
"This is the end of the delta. I'm pretty sure my friend was around here somewhere..." The Mightyena noted gruffly, sniffing at the air.
Moments later, as if on cue, another Mightyena appeared, looking bright-eyed and energetic. His coat was clean and silky, as though he'd been hidden away all through the rainstorm that had struck the night before. He certainly didn't look as though he was in need of rescue.
"Slate! I've been looking for you!" Flint called out, padding out to greet his friend.
"Looking for me? Ahh, but you shouldn't have to look." The voice was all too familiar to Zori, and the Leafeon hissed in fury. "Oh? It seems that your little friend was paying attention last night, Flint..."
Both Mightyena turned on Zori, and Frost whimpered, staggering backward to try and escape. More Mightyena filed into the pass from behind them, and Frost yelped in alarm.
Zori glanced back, her eyes widening with horror. They were badly outnumbered, and in no shape to fight even half of them. 'This whole thing was a trap! That was why he wanted only a few of us to come!' The Leafon bared her teeth threateningly, although she knew she was no danger to the Mightyena pack. 'The Vileplume! She didn't trust us because we were with Flint! She must have thought she was the subject of one of their ambushes! They led us through the caves to give them time to prepare the attack, and the trail by the river was a way to weaken us enough that we couldn't fight back! But the Gengar... They said they'd 'deal with it'? Where does it fit in...?"
The Leafeon's panicked thoughts were sharply cut off as she found herself knocked to the ground, and she lashed out with a Leaf Blade, trying to swipe the Mightyena off of her. She reached for her team badge, and her eyes widened in alarm. 'MY BADGE! WHERE IS IT?!'
She could hear Frost's panicked cries, and she struggled to get free, desperately trying to reach the Growlithe.
A sudden, shrill cry broke through the sounds of battle, and a familiar shadow swiped the Mightyena from Zori, freeing her of the Dark-type's wrath.
She staggered to her paws, hissing and spitting as she used a Giga Drain to draw energy from the Mightyena around her.
The Gengar dove in from the side, slamming a Thunderpunch into the side of a Mightyena's skull, knocking it away from Frost. The Growlithe twisted, blasting a Flamethrower at his attacker, pressing it back away from the Gengar.
The Gengar struck another Mightyena with an Ice Punch, the frozen spines driving deep into it's skull. It slid to the ground, dead before it had realized what happened.
The Leafeon shot a Seed Bomb into the crowd, the grassy seeds exploding on impact with the heads and flanks of the Mightyena.
Frost was spewing flame in every direction, panicked by the Mightyena that surrounded him at every turn. He leaped back as one lunged for his throat, meeting the Mightyena's teeth with a Fire Fang of his own. The two canines twisted, their fierce snarls rippling the air as Frost tried to fend off his attacker.
He was saved as the Gengar leaped onto the Mightyena's shoulders, wrapping it's arms around it's neck, and wrestling the Mightyena away from Frost. The Mightyena twisted to reach the Gengar, it's sharp teeth only just grazing it's arm as it tried to fling it off.
Zori swiped a Leaf Blade at the back of the Mightyena's legs, bringing it down to it's knees, where the Gengar prompty knocked it out with a Shadow Punch. However, Zori's strike was not intended. The Leafeon struggled to her paws, and was once again bowled over by the larger, more powerful body of the Mightyena she fought. Another one dove in from the side, fangs aimed for her throat, but she swept him aside with a Magical Leaf, the multicoloured leaves twisting and striking at the now-distracted canine. The Leafeon's Leaf Blade met the Mightyena's Shadow Claw at every turn, the pair of them swiping viciously at eachother as they each tried to tear at eachother's throats.
Gengar blasted a Dark Pulse at at the crowd surrounding it, trying to force it back enough to put up a proper fight. Frost was at it's side, his varied Fire attacks blasting and burning through the thick, heavy fur of the Mightyena. Claws swiped at his throat, and Frost lunged back at his attack with a Fire Fang, digging his sharp teeth into the back of the other canine's neck. The Gengar, taking advantage of the fact that Frost had a Mightyena unable to move, swung in with a Fire Punch, striking the Dark-type hard in the jaw. It howled, thrashing as it tried to break itself free.
The Gengar was swinging mixed punches in every direction, scattering the Mightyena. One lunged, but was quickly knocked back with an Ice Punch, the ice splintered on contact, and causing the hound to cry out as it scrambled to escape.
They were winning, although none of them had the strength to keep it up.
Zori let out an earsplittingly loud whistle, the melodic noise causing the entire battlefield to slow. Movements became clumsy and sluggish, everyone beginning to slow as drowsiness set in.
Frost stumbled, and fell to the ground, asleep before his fluffy body made contact with the solid earth.
Mightyena everywhere dropped down, followed by swiftly followed by the Gengar, who pretty much face-planted into the ground.
Zori sighed with relief, and padded cautiously toward the sleeping Ghost-type, being careful to avoid waking the sleeping Mightyena. She pressed her muzzle up close to the Gengar and let out a soft chiming noise. With Heal Bell curing the Ghost's status, it bolted upright, swinging a fist to strike her, which the Leafeon promptly stopped with a Shadow Force, staring hard at the Gengar.
It relaxed, looking around. "...Grasswhistle?" It asked Zori dryly, raising a ghostly eyebrow.
She nodded.
After a moment, the Gengar spoke again. "...I suppose you're waiting for an explanation?" He sighed heavily, regarding her with his large, red eyes.
"You attacked us on the ledge. Why do you help us now?" She demanded to know, her eyes dull with pain and confusion.
The Gengar grimaced. "I had to separate you from the Mightyena; you wouldn't leave his side long enough for me to bring him down." He explained, earning a scathing look from the Leafeon.
"Don't look at me that way; I had planned to bring him down, and go find you so that I could explain properly. What I didn't plan on, is that the Mightyena's pack members would back him up when he fled. I couldn't face them all, so I turned tail and ran."
"But you didn't come back for us..." Zori's voice was soft and quiet, and the Gengar winced.
"I couldn't. By the time I found you, so had they. That Flint fellow and his pack leader were there; I couldn't take them both on at once. So I backed off. I figured I could meet you here at the pass." The Ghost seemed uncomfortable as he spoke.
Both fell silent, and Zori turned to glance at Frost, who still lay asleep at the Gengar's feet. "You didn't abandon us. I guess I should thank you for that." She admitted with a soft sigh. "But what about the pack? Why were they so intent on luring us here?"
"Hunger, probably. Their pack has grown so large that they've overgrown the delta itself. There's not enough Pokemon here to feed the pack without unbalancing our lives." The Gengar murmured guiltily. "When their pack leader asked me for advice, I suggested that he try to find food from outside the delta. I didn't mean for him to lure prey in; I thought he'd leave."
Zori's ear flattened. "Their leaving wouldn't have solved anything. It would just be moving the problem elsewhere." She noted wearily.
"I realize that now." The Gengar sighed, holding out a shiny, rather familiar object.
"YOU STOLE MY BADGE?!" The Leafeon hissed in accusation.
The Gengar nodded solemnly, looking rather ashamed. "Back on the ledge, when I knocked you out of the way. I had to make sure you didn't leave before I could get a chance to talk to you, to ask for help." His voice took on a rather pleading note, and Zori's anger faded, the Leafeon carefully accepting the badge back from him.
"Well... I guess you won't have to worry now." She murmured quietly, glancing around. Their battle had thinned out the ranks of the pack by a lot. Hopefully it would be enough not to over-populate the delta again. "We'll be taking Flint and their leader with us, for crimes against the Guild of the Sun, but the ones who we leave behind should return to their normal lives soon enough..."
The Gengar nodded understandingly. "It's time you left, before the rest of the pack wakes up." He told her quietly.
Zori nodded in farewell. "Thank you."
Both Pokemon paused in surprise as they spoke together, but relaxed, grinning.
"I'm glad we could help." The Leafeon told him finally, holding up her badge. It glinted dimly in the dull, darkened light of the delta.
After a moment, it shone brightly, and Zori, Frost, Flint, and the pack leader were all transported back to the guild in a flash of light.
The Gengar stood where he was for but a moment, staring at the open air where the Leafeon had once stood, before sighing and sinking down into the shadows. He fully disappeared as the pack began to wake.
After the incident was reported, Officer Magnezone and the police showed up quickly at the guild.
"Bbbzzzttt- Thank you -bzt- for capturing these criminals. Bzztt- this helps us greatly in the investigation of -bzt- several missing Pokemon."
He and several Magnemites began to retrain the two unconscious Mightyenas.
Something popped up and out of the floor in front of Zori and Frost then, a familiar gengar. The Ghost type nodded in respect to Zori, and then turned to Frost with a wry grin.
"Not bad kid. With a little help from your friends-" He flicked something at the Growlithe, "-you'll get better yet."
The Gengar disappeared into the floor, and if Frost examines the TM he was given, he'll find it to be the move Beat Up.
Only then did they notice a figure standing next to where the Gengar had gone. It was a Vileplume, one petal missing and heavily bandaged. It was clutching a small yellow seed, vines sprouting out of it to form a necklace.
"I-I heard what happened. I'm...sorry I attacked, and I thank you for getting...getting rid of them." It hissed, looking back at the Mightyenas. "This...this was my mother's. Please, take it, and I would like to join you." It handed the Miracle seed to Zori.
Behind it Flint seemed to have woken up, and started pleading at Team Stormcloud to save him. The Vileplume glared at him, turning back to Zori.
"Don't, he doesn't deserve it."
"Bbbzzzttt- Thank you -bzt- for capturing these criminals. Bzztt- this helps us greatly in the investigation of -bzt- several missing Pokemon."
He and several Magnemites began to retrain the two unconscious Mightyenas.
Something popped up and out of the floor in front of Zori and Frost then, a familiar gengar. The Ghost type nodded in respect to Zori, and then turned to Frost with a wry grin.
"Not bad kid. With a little help from your friends-" He flicked something at the Growlithe, "-you'll get better yet."
The Gengar disappeared into the floor, and if Frost examines the TM he was given, he'll find it to be the move Beat Up.
Only then did they notice a figure standing next to where the Gengar had gone. It was a Vileplume, one petal missing and heavily bandaged. It was clutching a small yellow seed, vines sprouting out of it to form a necklace.
"I-I heard what happened. I'm...sorry I attacked, and I thank you for getting...getting rid of them." It hissed, looking back at the Mightyenas. "This...this was my mother's. Please, take it, and I would like to join you." It handed the Miracle seed to Zori.
Behind it Flint seemed to have woken up, and started pleading at Team Stormcloud to save him. The Vileplume glared at him, turning back to Zori.
"Don't, he doesn't deserve it."
Beat Up TM
Flint the Mightyena (If you choose to convince Officer Magnezone to let him go)
Bonus: Miracle Seed
Recruit: Vileplume, BUT only if you don't take Flint
Beat Up TM
Flint the Mightyena (If you choose to convince Officer Magnezone to let him go)
Bonus: Miracle Seed
Recruit: Vileplume, BUT only if you don't take Flint

Zori & Frost
Zori flat out ignored Flint, who was dragged away by the Magnezone and it's Magnemite companions. Even if she had wanted to save him, she doubted that she could've convinced the Steel-types to release him.
Frost blinked in surprise as the Gengar passed him over the TM. It sunk into his paws, disappearing from view. The Growlithe yelped in surprise, having never used a Technical Machine before.
"Frost, it's just a TM. It's supposed to do th- OH! Hey, hey! Gengar, wait!" She suddenly yelped as the Ghost-type sank beneath the ground. "Wh-what was... your name?" She sighed to herself. Perhaps they'd meet again.
The soft voice of the Vileplume distracted both teammates, causing them to turn and look at the Vileplume. Zori looked sympathetic, but at the same time unsure. "I don't mean to be rude, but..."
"I understand." The Vileplume replied calmly, handing over her precious Miracle Seed to Zori. The strange, vine-like tendrils wrapped securely around Zori's neck. "I suppose my colony needs me anyway. I'd miss them, if I left them behind."
Zori smiled, saved the duty of turning her down. "It was great meeting you. I'm sorry about the circumstances, though." She told her new, Grass-type friend.
"Come visit again, soon; the delta will be a lot safer without Flint and Slate." The Vileplume urged happily.
"I will!" "N-NO WAY!" "...Although... Maybe not with Frost."
The pair giggled, the Leafeon waving goodbye as one of the Pokemon present to receive the incoming team Teleported the Vileplume back home.
"...So, you feeling braver yet, Frost?"