
Her name is Crosette. She never met her mother but always dreamt of her as this beautiful woman in white. Who sung her lullabys to sleep. Who would tell her she loved her. She always defended her mother they called her a whore who was a prostitute. But they did not know the true story. She was a prostitute but she only did it so she could make money for her dear crosette who was ill and needed medicene. Her father abandoned her when she was born. Her mother gave her to an lady who looked after her. She knew it was because she didnt have enough money. Her mother fantine would give her money to the keeper who looked after her. After she died she gave crosette to a rich man who loved her. She would call him Papa. Alot of things happened in her life. She fell in love. It was during an civil war and he was the leader. He was injured. He moved to a place far far away. She was born in london. But she was gonna travel far far away with Papa. She now lives in japan for now and is in highschool. Shes use to an all girls school. But now its public. And shes scared.
Powers: Earth bending
Weekness: Death