Some of you may know the story of how me and Charles met and started going out, some of you may not. So here it is for the ones who do not know.
It was August 2006 when I first seen Charles. My friends and I were walking down the stairs in front of the Foothill's gym. When I then seen someone who was all by himself. with his head down on a table. He had semi-long hair that slightly covered his face. I told my friends "He looks lonely... we should go talk to him" and my friend Vincent told me "Nah just leave him alone he probably doesn't wanna be bothered." But I went up to him anyway. I tapped him and said "Are you okay?" and he looked up and replied "Oh yeah... just playing on my cell phone" I said quietly, "Oh. Do you want to come and hang out with us?" he said "Nah it's okay, just gonna stay here." I ask one more time, "Are you sure?" and he looks at the table and replies, "Yeah...it's okay." So my friends and I just walked away towards the cafeteria.
A month passed since that happened. The end of September of 2006.
I was with Miles at the time, together for seven months then. We were sitting with the group at the cafeteria tables when Yessenia came up and had the same guy from the prior month next to her, I didn't remember until later it was the same guy I talked to. She said "Hey guys this is Tony and he likes anime too. I brought him over here to hang out with us." Everyone gathered around him like he was a celebrity. lol. Probably because he was wearing a white shirt that said "I love henta....I mean anime" That had a picture of a cat looking warrior girl. People in the group found it amusing. Miles and me when up to him too and Miles said "That shirt is freakin' awesome." and I just looked at his shirt and then stared at his face. I remember thinking, "He's really cute.. One of the cutest boys I've seen...." After about 3 minutes Miles and me sat back down at the table and he said, "That shirt is just wow... hilarious." I replied, "Yeah he seems cool." This happened all at lunch.
Well, another two months passed. It was now November of 2006.
Miles and me broke up, it hurt me to see him at the tables so after a while, I started going to other places instead of the cafeteria tables. I guess you could say I was somewhat depressed because I wasn't with Miles anymore. I was a Sophomore at the time. I remember once I was drawing sitting next to Charles, and when I showed him the picture he was reading and said "...That's nice..." lol. That was it.
Beginning of March of 2007.
Four long months passed, still somewhat moping over Miles but slowly getting over it more each day. I was on myspace one day after school and someone sent a friends request. I looked to see who it was but couldn't tell because the picture was dark. I sent him a message asking who it was and got a reply saying "This is Charles (tony)" I admit, I had to sit there for a while to remember who he was and when I did remember I was like "YAY!"
He then asked me if I had a gaiaonline account and I was all like "Gaia?! I LOVE GAIA!! my username is hikari takashi." He said "i'm onikabuto"
(I later found out he knew about Gaia because he heard me talking about it to my friends lol. And that he joined because I had one.)
Charles and I became good friends. For a month we would talk on gaia and myspace. Mostly Gaia. And on the weekend we would stay up all night talking on AIM. I found Charles to be a sensitive guy. He was nice too. I started to like him.. a lot. It wasn't because I wanted him as a rebound from Miles. I just really started liking how Charles, and I would forget completely about Miles.
One day at school Charles was sitting with his friend talking at the cafeteria tables and I went up to him and said "Hi Charles!" He said "Hey what's up?" His friend looked at me and walked away so Charles could talk to me.
Sadly, the bell rang not too long after we started talking. It was the first time in a month I said anything to him in real life and the bell just had to ring to end lunch. lol. Well I walked with him towards his class and then I said "I'll talk to you online after school kay?" He replied, "Okay see ya." And I went to P.E.
After that encounter at school, for about a week we started hanging out with each other and talking about lots of things. We both liked each other and I think people could tell. One day, we were sitting at the lunch tables together and my friend Amanda came up to us and asked him. "Hey hey! Is she your girlfriend?"
Charles hesitated and said... "Yes." firmly. I looked at him as his head was down a bit and stared. I felt really happy that he told Amanda that. That night when we talked on Aim, it was official that we were boyfriend and girlfriend.
That was four years ago, Charles and me have now been together for three.
I love him. I thank Yessenia, Gaia, and Myspace for bringing us together. I always had love... it was right there all along. The only thing I regret is not talking to him sooner. But I do not regret being with him because we love each other, and most of all, we respect each other. He proposed to me November 2009. I said yes. And I hope to be with Charles for the rest of my life. Even that seems so short.
But I can see the day when we're known as Charles and Corrina Parker.
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