Character Name: Alberich
Age: 34 (Looks: 21)
Species: Faux
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 172;bs
Haircolor: Vibrant Red
Eyecolor: Blue
Element: Fire and Earth
Weapons: Katanar, Kodati knives, iron knuckle bracelets (Tekken),
Position: Average Faux under the FauxKage
Personality: Calm and collected. Alberich is someone of few words but kindhearted. He tries to remain calm even under the most stressful and dangerous situations. Overall, Alberich does not panic much and can even talk his way out of a fight as well. He has a cunning ability to persuade and move people's opinions and choices.
Side: Faux,
Theme Song: Haunted Music Box
Roaming Song: Quiet Music