Okay, time for another mind rant.
Note: I'm strait, STRAIT! I'm just tired of people who're hating on Gay or Bi people.
I AM TIRED OF ALL OF THESE FREAKING HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE! I JUST WANNA BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THEM! Honestly, I really don't get it! So what if someone's gay or w/e?! Their still people!
What really set me off is two things. Back when prince of persia came out, my friend invited me to go see it with her. I asked my mom and she said sure at first, but later that day she asked if the person I was going with is the Bi-sexual friend of mine. I told her yes, she was. Not even five minutes later she said I couldn't go anymore. I asked why not and she told me some BS about it being too far from school. I came right back at her saying that she's homophobic. She asked what I was talking about, and I told her she's only saying it 'cause she doesn't want me to be going to the movies with her just because she's Bi. She comes back with "Oh, I just don't think I'd be a good mother if I let you go."
BS! THAT IS SUCH BS IT AINT FUNNY! Sure, let my sister go to prom with a gay guy, but won't let me go to the movies with a bi girl. Bs mom bs.
And yesterday, I was watching a vid on youtube called "bathroom fun" Or w/e. Yes, I will admit, I clicked on it because of the picture and I wanted to see if they were serious about putting a pic of a tirls... um... upper body... on youtube. Turned out it was a few gay guys playing in the bathroom and the "Girls boob" Was just the guys n****e. This guy goes and comments this some stupid sh*t 'cause he was pissed it wasn't a girls chests. Here's our little conversation.
bigpizzoe: ******** buddies!! ******** gay man go kill yourselves!!!
TsukiMotarazu: oh your only saying that because when you clicked on this vid, you thought it was gonna be a girls boob
bigpizzoe: no s**t shurlock i wanted to see a girls tit not a pair of faggots playing with each other freaking homos.. pecker sucking, a** giving, nut juggling ********!! suck a c**k without exposing your gayness to the world!!
I'm deciding to be the "bigger person" in this and not reply, but god I just wanna beat his a** with a pinata stick!!
But seriously, it annoys me when people do this. Just 'cause they didn't get a girls boob for their pervy m*sturbation, doesn't mean they can go and be idiots to homosexuals!
And if your homophobic, GO F*CK YOURSELF!
Thankyou, I hope you all enjoyed my little mind rant~
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the BINGO book! Squee!!! LOL
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