Im at the age of leaving the nest whether it be 18 or 19 or even 20. I want to escape this reality and live my own in my dreams but I cant no matter how awful and cruel life is you cant escape. I'm a fool my sister tells me to trust those I speak to know she's right. I would rather trust someone I dont know then trust my own family!!! The truth of the matter is theirs no one I can trust or even give my trust away like coins. I have little to trust on the people I talk to online but other times I get caught up with no trusting anyone...I trust people because I was a lier once like everyone and now that I tell the truth no one believes me. I trust Chibi, Lord of the animals and my friend Yaroki. Yeah over the years I've been walked on and lied to but that's me. I cant change who I am yeah a fool to give trust but I trust because I feel something about you thats different and I feel a connection. If you take advantage of my trust then your a pathetic fool, I gave you trust that would take years for me to trust anyone in the real world to give. If you do I will feel betrayed that I was only a tool for you, I trusted you for you to give me this. You may not care but know this someone who's been lied to all their life gave you trust even though they been betrayed and walked over. They know they shouldnt but they feel that everyone deserves a second chance to people like you!! How could you or even think of doing that!! This world is filled with lies and fakes and yet that one person keeps trusting those around her!!