Wolf De-listing - Let the Killing Begin
The gray wolves have returned to the American West,
but soon they will face the ultimate test.
The people of the Old West nearly made the "no wolves" dream a fact.
Almost to late come the protection of the Endangered Species Act.
In 1995 wolves were brought back to the West's last wild places,
putting both smiles and frowns on many human faces.
Now gray wolves run, hunt and howl in the forests at night,
thanks to the people who fought to give them that right.
Wolves now live in the Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho states,
as well as in Wisconsin and Michigan, all facing uncertain fates.
Thousands of people flock to the West to watch wolves every summer,
Yellowstone National Park has become a hot-spot for every wolf-lover.
But not every one likes gray wolves, you see,
so we must speak out for them - you and me.
Human sport-hunters say the wolf is a cruel killer,
that they will eat all the elk and that man's way is better.
Ranchers must protect their cattle from wolves, that's true,
but who's out there to protect the wolf - or is it just me and you?
Some parents say a wolf might one day kill a child,
re-kindling again the fear of wolves in the wild.
Anti-wolf people like Ron Gillette* hate wolves and want them all dead.
No doubt they would like to parade around with a wolf's severed head!
The wolves in Alaska are being shot from the sky.
Their crime: They eat moose, and so they must die!
President Bush doesn't care for America's wolves or what they stand for,
because he used them to symbolize lurking terrorists on TV in 2004.
Soon humans will be able to hunt wolves like deer,
and the wolf packs will begin again to live in fear.
Wolf biologists and actives say wolves aren't evil or bad,
but not everyone listens and that makes them sad.
When the wolf is de-listed the killing will begin.
What if wolves become endangered all over again?
The sportsman will go thoughout wolf county, taking their deadly aim,
snuffing out wolf lives with a speeding bullet and a flash of pain.
Many hunters will shoot wolves with a smile on their face,
as wolves start to bleed and die all over the place.
Wolves might only be safe on Yellowstone Park lands,
but the rest are at the mercy of man's unpredictable hands.
The hunters and outfitters will unleash their hate,
when wolf-hunting season begins in the year 2008.
Yes, gray wolves have returned to the American West,
but where in this land can the wolf peacefully rest?
Yet I have hope for although many wolves might die,
there will always be some left to sing to the sky.
To many people love wolves to have them all killed off again,
foe wiping any of God's creatures off the Earth is the ultimate sin.
You and I must speak out for the wolf and all his wild ways,
so that they will live here in America till the end of days.
No matter what happens, the gray wolves are hear to stay.
Let us hope we will always let it be this way.
- Copyright by Sloane J. 2007
*Ron Gillette is the leader of the Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition,
a group that wants ALL the wild wolves in Idaho to be killed.
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Hmm my journal will be whatever it wants to be. :D I will not be the one speaking nor writing. My journal will whisper to my heart and my heart will give it the answers. This journal reflects my heart like a mirror reflects your image.
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its an angel my dear, but be careful. dont fall for the holy facade for it holds in its hands the death of many souls....

^ I drew it!!! my first ever olf head drawn by m without a ref pic!! biggrin yay ~praise me~ lol

^ I drew it!!! my first ever olf head drawn by m without a ref pic!! biggrin yay ~praise me~ lol