Dream Avi #3:

Total Value: 16,486,996 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dashing Gentleman Pristine White Gloves
Thimble's Tea Party
Kanoko's Dark Reflection
Dappy Dandy 8th Gen.
White Hot Top
SDPlus #128 Reiko
Kottan Bell Reunion
À la Fondue
White Stockings
Seracila Pendant 9th Gen.
Green Heartstring
Imaginary Friend 4th Gen
Kanoko's Dark Reflection
Mana Seed
Phasing Lily
Cupcake Confection
Hunny the Bear

Total Value: 16,486,996 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dashing Gentleman Pristine White Gloves
Thimble's Tea Party
Kanoko's Dark Reflection
Dappy Dandy 8th Gen.
White Hot Top
SDPlus #128 Reiko
Kottan Bell Reunion
À la Fondue
White Stockings
Seracila Pendant 9th Gen.
Green Heartstring
Imaginary Friend 4th Gen
Kanoko's Dark Reflection
Mana Seed
Phasing Lily
Cupcake Confection
Hunny the Bear