Erik Vannar Vincent
Birthdate; July 3rd, 0850
Birthdate; July 3rd, 0850
Name: Erik Vannar Vincent
Bio: Soon to be updated.
Personality: Soon to be updated.

Erik and Shenara. The credit goes to nixna.

Erik, but he's supposed to have yellow eyes. ._.
Credit goes to temari chan39
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Has one blonde part in the middle, and the rest is black. His hair is shaggy, and is not ever kept together.
Eye color: Yellow
Facial features: He has sharp eyes, a nice profile[Which I will post on here one day], and a strong jaw line.
Other important things:
-Erik is always seen as with a cigarette. If you choose to draw him, please include the cigarette. It's just not his character without it. (Despite the pictures I get of him withouta cigarette. xD Still, include a cig please.)
Clothing: A black vest-type thing with a orange symbol on the back, black pants along with boots.

A Colt M1911
Bio: Soon to be updated.
Personality: Soon to be updated.

Erik and Shenara. The credit goes to nixna.

Erik, but he's supposed to have yellow eyes. ._.
Credit goes to temari chan39
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Has one blonde part in the middle, and the rest is black. His hair is shaggy, and is not ever kept together.
Eye color: Yellow
Facial features: He has sharp eyes, a nice profile[Which I will post on here one day], and a strong jaw line.
Other important things:
-Erik is always seen as with a cigarette. If you choose to draw him, please include the cigarette. It's just not his character without it. (Despite the pictures I get of him withouta cigarette. xD Still, include a cig please.)
Clothing: A black vest-type thing with a orange symbol on the back, black pants along with boots.

A Colt M1911