
My Name is Nekai Mizushima.
I am also known as Kai.
I am a female.
I am several thousand years old
I'm currently a Youkai protector.
The story of my life: I was born long ago along the main island of Japan, within the rough, mountainous terrain inhaitable to few. My parents Kyoko and Katsumi, were both fox-type youkai. One day while the two were traveling, they fell into the human world, into forests that encircled the dominating mountains long, long ago. Instead of trying to find a way back, they decided to live there. Soon, the small civilizations of the human-kind the forests surrounded began to grow larger around the areas, and her parents moved into the mountains, where I was born. I lived with my parents until I was several centuries old, when I was given away for marriage to another fox-type youkai named Isamu, who was part of the youkai millitary. About two centuries afterwards, Isamu was killed, though I don't know how. I found his body by the river near their home, and was shaken with torment at the sight of my dead husband. I ventured back into the mountains to relocate my parents, and found my mother living alone in our old home. I stayed there for a long while, realizing my father, too, was killed for a nameless, unknown reason. One day, a raid of humans and half-breeds invaded our home, slaying my mother and wounding me, though I managed to escape deep into the mountains. Within the mountains, I became lost, and on the verge of death I located an inari shrine, where an old priest lived. The creature was a follower of Inari, a priest who knew arts of physical combat and swordfighting. He took me in, and I became his student, learning how to hone my abillities even further as well as fight. One day another raid came, though since the mountains were high and difficult to travel, the raid was smaller, and I was able to defeath them all. The fight left the shrine in ruins, my master, killed. I was disturbed at the sight of his body, and from then on, I decided to try and stop death. From the experience, I sprouted my ninth tail, my dull-colored fur renewing to a bright snowy white. I took up the responsibillity of burying my mentor and rebuilding the shrine. When it was complete, I decided to leave the mountains to live in the forests of Japan. To this day, I travel the area that is Japan, trying to find answers to the raid and the death of her husband and father while protecting Youkai from harm.
People would say I am intellegent, insightful, determined. Cynical, opinionated, and extremely protective of things that are important to me.
I can fight with two short swords, and if necessary, her katana.
I can manipulate water and fire alike, control dark magic, shapeshift, and create illusions.
Sweet scents, the sound of running water, nature, and gentle people can calm me down.
Physical touching, cocky people, miscommunication, and death can piss me off.
AkaruiRain controls me.

My Name is Nekai Mizushima.
I am also known as Kai.
I am a female.
I am several thousand years old
I'm currently a Youkai protector.
The story of my life: I was born long ago along the main island of Japan, within the rough, mountainous terrain inhaitable to few. My parents Kyoko and Katsumi, were both fox-type youkai. One day while the two were traveling, they fell into the human world, into forests that encircled the dominating mountains long, long ago. Instead of trying to find a way back, they decided to live there. Soon, the small civilizations of the human-kind the forests surrounded began to grow larger around the areas, and her parents moved into the mountains, where I was born. I lived with my parents until I was several centuries old, when I was given away for marriage to another fox-type youkai named Isamu, who was part of the youkai millitary. About two centuries afterwards, Isamu was killed, though I don't know how. I found his body by the river near their home, and was shaken with torment at the sight of my dead husband. I ventured back into the mountains to relocate my parents, and found my mother living alone in our old home. I stayed there for a long while, realizing my father, too, was killed for a nameless, unknown reason. One day, a raid of humans and half-breeds invaded our home, slaying my mother and wounding me, though I managed to escape deep into the mountains. Within the mountains, I became lost, and on the verge of death I located an inari shrine, where an old priest lived. The creature was a follower of Inari, a priest who knew arts of physical combat and swordfighting. He took me in, and I became his student, learning how to hone my abillities even further as well as fight. One day another raid came, though since the mountains were high and difficult to travel, the raid was smaller, and I was able to defeath them all. The fight left the shrine in ruins, my master, killed. I was disturbed at the sight of his body, and from then on, I decided to try and stop death. From the experience, I sprouted my ninth tail, my dull-colored fur renewing to a bright snowy white. I took up the responsibillity of burying my mentor and rebuilding the shrine. When it was complete, I decided to leave the mountains to live in the forests of Japan. To this day, I travel the area that is Japan, trying to find answers to the raid and the death of her husband and father while protecting Youkai from harm.
People would say I am intellegent, insightful, determined. Cynical, opinionated, and extremely protective of things that are important to me.
I can fight with two short swords, and if necessary, her katana.
I can manipulate water and fire alike, control dark magic, shapeshift, and create illusions.
Sweet scents, the sound of running water, nature, and gentle people can calm me down.
Physical touching, cocky people, miscommunication, and death can piss me off.
AkaruiRain controls me.