R.I.P Queen Victoria :[
R.I.P. May 31st, 2010 Dear Queen Victoria. My little Vikki...My best friend. It's so hard to let you go. After your daddy died, [cousin Nathan], We took you and Zoey in because we loved you, and we wanted you to be in a place we knew you would be loved. With us. We loved you so much, especially i did. You were my pride and joy, and i ALWAYS looked forward to coming over to my moms NASTY, DIRTY, so called boyfriends house to see you. You always made me smile. I always stood up for you when someone called you a "NASTY RAT" or "WEIRD MONGOOSE" because your not. You were a BEAUTIFUL FERRET and I'll never let anyone forget that. I don't know why people were so afraid of you either, your daddy raised you to be the most amazing, perfect ferret. Was it your eyes? Because they amaze me, those glowing red happy beaming eyes. I'll never forget. And I'll never let anyone else forget that. I'll always miss the way you would lay down with me, or follow me to the bathroom and scratch at the door til i came out, or go on stickam with me. I'll never forget how you always would disappear and we'd find you laying under the couch or behind the chairs. Everyone loved you vikki, and i wanted you to live so badly. I don't know what was wrong with you, but i tried everything i could to keep you alive. You had signs of blockage, so i gave you ferret lax 3-5 times a day. You seemed to love it, it must have tasted good. But i guess it wasn't good enough. I made sure you felt loved in the days you were sick by holding you up to the water bowl so you could drink, and giving you the ferret lax, and just holding you close for warmth and love. I feel so guilty now. I wish i was rich so i could have afforded to take you to a vet, but there was nothing i could do. But now your where you belong, with cousin Nathan, and I'm sure that's where he wants you to be. I just hope your happy and no longer have to sit in your cage, you can run around and be free with your daddy. Just remember I'll always love you, and miss you more than anything. I love you Vikki...you were the best. Rest in peace<3