High school can be a tough time for most teenagers, especially for the females. A guy can sleep with 20 women and be considered a hero. A girl can sleep with 4 or 5 guys and she's automatically a slut. Or lets say "Kelly" is mad at "Stacey" for asking her boyfriend for some help on the science project. "Kelly" goes and starts a rumor that "Stacey" will open her legs to any man that helps her with homework. The next day "Stacey" is bombarded by multiple guys asking if they could help her if they helped him.... OR... The next day the people she used to be close to is avoiding her, people are whispering as she passes and she gets dirty looks from girls in the halls. "Stacey's" reputation has been ruined by one girl just because she needed help on a science project.
When you're young you don't have to worry about all that heartache of being hurt by love or even peers at school. One of the big things you have to worry about is whether or not your dad is going to take you to the park to play on the swing-set, or if mommy is going to like your macaroni picture from school, or... if that girl/boy down the street is going to give you cooties.
We grow up getting hurt, and eventually regret what we did to get hurt, whether it be good or bad.

I live no regrets. My drugs and my love are my life. The rest is just off the wall things for me to have fun. I live with no regrets... only bad mistakes. Mistakes are a part of growing up and should never be wished away. The pain will disappear, the experience will develop who you become.