
✫::: Eva -✫- Faulkener :::✫
◈▷Last count of the candles ◁◈▷ 25◁◈◈▷When I check my pants, I am ◁◈▷ Female◁◈◈▷I am classified as a/an ◁◈▷ Human◁◈◈▷I run along with these types of people ◁◈▷ Straight◁◈◈▷The Mark I bare is ◁◈▷ Illusionist◁◈◈▷My life is pretty much ◁◈▷ Eva was born to a fairly well off family that became even richer once the Bishop took over the lands of Elesia. Ever heard that greed corrupts? Well, it certainly did to the Faulkener family. They adorned their third daughter with jewels and elegant dresses, which Eva began to hate more and more. As this hatred grew, so did the nightmares that plagued the family. From a young age, Eva's parents made her wear gloves and a cream to cover up her ink dark tattoos that were evident at birth. Then, when Eva turned 13, the Faulkerner's financial power collapsed as suddenly as it arosed. They didn't have enough money to pay for their five children, and so Eva, as the youngest of them, was turned out onto the streets.
It was here where her unique abilities truly developed. While asleep in various nooks and crannies, she tended to 'walk' the dreams of people around here. After a while, everything she saw there became oncomfortable to watch and she tried different ways to keep herself from straying into others -particularly mens'- dreams at night. However, most of these diversions failed to do much to keep her from 'walking', and so she took the most logical solution: staying awake. The consiquences of that path took root, and now she takes her usual foggy minded-ness as natural rather than her otherwise sharp wit if she were awake.
As the years progressed, she found that she was confronted ever more frequently by dirty males wanting various things from a young girl of eighteen. She found all of this revolting and turned to her abilities to shroud herself. And so, to anyone without 'eyes' (a certain type of intuition not found in many, and these few are the ones who spread the disconcerting rumors about the 'illusionist'), she appears as a haggard aging woman with graying hair and a drooping face. She poses as a pshycic to earn a meager living. ◁◈◈▷My tattoo(s) are/is ◁◈▷ Eva's tattoo comes in two segments. The first and more noticeable portion is the one encompassing her left eye. It starts right above her left nostril and branches off into two segments, which curls around her upper and lower eyelids. In between the two branches just before her eye, curved lines link the two strands. On the upper eyelid, three curling strands extend from the main branch, with small black dots lining the inner edge of them. On the lower eyelid, two small streak extend just as the eye cures upward to meet the upper eyelid. Here, a strand follows it and curled off as well, with three small black dots lining it.
The second tattoo is located on her right hand. It starts at the tip of her middle finger, where it thins and branches out again over the top of her hand, creating many intricate swirling designs -too much to explain here. One strand extends onto her pinkie finger, circling around it, and another branch encompasses her thumb. I drew the tattoos for reference. See them here ◁◈◈▷The weapon(s) I carry are/is ◁◈▷ Eva carries no weapon on her person to speak of except her 'crone staff' and her powers. However, she has a simple rapier wrapped in an oiled cloth in her bags, the only thing she took with her from her parents house. All the jewels which were once encrusted on it were taken out, sold for money so she could live, but she somehow couldn't seem to be parted from the weapon itself. She never takes it out. However, her crone staff can deal quite a blow to the unsuspecting skull of shin of another when she seems fit, and her mental prowess usually keeps unwanted visitors at bay. ◁◈◈▷People say I am ◁◈▷ Eva is the type of person who keeps oneself to oneself. She doesn't tolerate much, and that can contribute to her great distaste for small, incompetent children and tedious occupations. She hardly ever sleeps, which contributes to her usual grouchy attitude, keeping the expression on her otherwise serene features taught and grim. Only a truly extraordinary person can truly appreciate Eva's personality and abilities.
She hates to stay in one place for too long, and that also helps keep who she is a secret from people who may look to closely. People wouldn't think that she is the type to lash out at others, whether it be physical or otherwise. However, don't let her usually lethargic and bland outward appearance fool you. She can easily make your nights unbearable and tear you down to a mere smear of yourself. ◁◈◈▷Likes ◁◈▷ Eva enjoys the cool nightime air of the late spring and late autumn. However, she likes a roof over her head just as much, although the heat of fire makes her uncomfortable. Foods too rich or decadent makes her digestive tract squirm, and so she avoids those as much as she can; some bread, water, and maybe cheese would do just fine, thank you very much.◁◈◈▷Dislikes ◁◈▷ Eva truly detests those who see past her disguise, since it makes it harder for her to go around unoticed. She also has a certain aversion to theives and other such commonplace criminals, they may be just as unfortunate as her, but at least Eva makes some sort of honest living. She dreads the sleeping hours, where she has to truly work staying awake. ◁◈◈▷Eye Color ◁◈▷ Dark grey-blue color◁◈◈▷Hair Color ◁◈▷ Dark brown with auburn tints which are evident in the bright sunlight◁◈◈▷Height ◁◈▷ 5'7''◁◈◈▷Weight ◁◈▷ 120lbs◁◈◈▷Other junk I want to add ◁◈▷ Eva, at some point, met a small daemon species from the mental dream realm known as a Lispviyt. She uses them occasionally to send messages to other people's psyche and other such errands.◁◈◈▷My Theme Song is ◁◈▷ Until the End - Breaking Benjamin◁◈◈▷The voice in my head is called ◁◈▷ [Wings of Hindrence RP]◁◈
Aribis · Thu May 20, 2010 @ 11:00pm · 0 Comments |